Sketches: Dreams of the Darkest Night

Jan 04, 2015 17:04

Title: Dreams of the Darkest Night
Pairing: Severus/Sirius, Azkaban guards
Rating: NC-17
Content: Implied violent sexual assault, graphic violence/blood/gore
Summary: He tries not to think about that first night during the waking hours, but things have a way of sneaking up on you.

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warning: nws, warning: violence, warning: darkfic, rating: nc-17, pairing: sirius/severus, type: art, artist: akatnamedeaster, warning: angst, warning: humiliation, warning: non-con

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Comments 1

Sketches: Dreams of the Darkest Night koshweasley January 4 2015, 23:35:01 UTC
I do hope your muse entices you to do more of this, it is amazing.


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