I thought angelology was bad - either there are a bunch of resources that copy one another or the sources all contradict one another. And it's hard to find something that's not aimed at the New Age crowd and involves crystals and phases of the moon and candles of particular colours that need to be burnt with particular scented oils to summon angels or whatever.
Demonology is even worse because I can't seem to find enough information that doesn't seem like it was written by spelling-challenged emo teenage pseudo-Satanists, or conversely, is not from a religious site on how we must all fight the temptation of these purely evil beings. (Although
this site made me laugh out loud; clearly someone has been watching far too much Supernatural instead of working on their spelling...) I see the same old quotes from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Paradise Lost and other sources I'm familiar with, and I found some interesting new sources, but... it seems like there isn't as much available info as there is for angelology. At least I don't have to deal with Doreen Virtue PhD's Angel Tarot cards or instructions on how to send letters to Gabriel.
All I want is a name for Belial's assistant, damn it.
XD Pardon the pun. My Bel is a very hands-on tempter (again, pardon the pun) and spends a lot of time on Earth, enjoying himself, or relaxing in Hell when he does return. But he does rule the Northern Realm of Hell and he does set time aside to attend to the necessary paperwork and overseeing things and speaking to his direct subordinates and making sure the rivalries and politics between the Dukes, Counts, Marquises etc don't affect him; he's always aware of the important things going on in his realm, and in the other realms. His position as ruler of the Northern Realm isn't just another arbitrary title; sure, it was pretty much given to him arbitrarily in my backstory for him, but he prides himself on earning the right to keep that title.
Still, I know he has someone as a sort of 'gister' and secretary, someone who sifts through the reports and stuff, who summarises everything in briefer reports for him, comes and gets him when he's on Earth but something in Hell requires his attention, etc. Basically, the person who deals with most of the less important paperwork so that Belial can indulge in Lust and Sloth and so on without actually slacking off. and I keep telling myself that no, this assistant does not need to look like Tommy Joe Ratliff And the part of me that wants everything to be backed up by research means I don't want to pick a random demon name; I want this to be a canonical lesser demon who's connected to Belial and maybe to bureaucracy in some way.
This seems great, but... do I really have to go through an entire, fairly long book the old-fashioned way? For some reason the Ctrl-F function does not seem to work on this document. ;_; Sigh. Guess I have to. I'd better find a good candidate among those demons for my trouble. >_> By this point I'm willing to give up the connection to Belial and just find a likely demon.
Edit: Ctrl-F function, can I marry you? All I had to do was download the document as a PDF and then run the same search.
A second order demon, assistant of Belial. He tempts mortals to engage in sodomy and
Now I just have to corroborate this via Google and I have my mostly-useless throwaway detail in what I'm writing now. :D
Oh, by the way, I now have a part-time job. :D My friend Gena works at this shop called JU-AN which sells clothes (mostly cheongsams or Oriental-style clothing - Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese) and jewellery (jade and other crystals :D) and stuff, and she recommended me to her boss. I had an interview and filled out the paperwork and she seemed happy with me, but I said I couldn't commit to anything today since my dad wanted me to tell him about it when I came home and then we'd discuss it and decide, so I came home and talked to my dad about it and he agreed. Called the bosslady (apparently that's what they call her!) and she said she'd call me back with a schedule, since that stuff isn't fixed. So if it all works out, I will be able to afford more books! :D And being able to work with Gena makes up for the fact that I couldn't get a job at a bookstore.