yay fanmix!

Sep 09, 2010 08:35

So I'm uhm a little bit obsessed with these two. They'd better get some canon lovin' soon!

Medium: TV
Fandom: Dark Blue
Subject: Jaimie/Dean
Title: Puslate, Intoxicate

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dark blue, jaimie/dean, fanmix

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Comments 5

nebakanezer September 9 2010, 16:45:35 UTC
You art is amazing and I so want to listen to this awesome mix but your link goes to Illuminated Ghosts. :) Yay for Florence, Howl is definitely my favorite song and it fits these 2 so well!


siricerasi September 9 2010, 16:46:37 UTC
HAH, I fail. *runs to fix*


nebakanezer September 9 2010, 16:49:50 UTC
I'll forgive you just this once ;)


wand3rlust January 14 2011, 20:35:14 UTC
I haven't watched dark blue so I can't comment on the songs relation to the characters. But given that I love at least half the bands on this mix already I think I'm gonna snag it for some more good music. :)


siricerasi January 14 2011, 20:41:36 UTC
ohhhh watch! One of the best unknown (cancelled =( ) shows ever.


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