Nueva Las Noches - Ver. 0.02!

Oct 29, 2010 22:08

Because once you start playing, you can't stop.

I GIVE YOU the completed castle!

....the exterior, anyway:

I added some columns and a ton of windows! As well as like a billion plants. I didn't add the trees of the orchard itself, mainly due to space and then we wouldn't be able to see anything. :( Also yes, that is a telescope up there, because hobbies are fun! As a sidenote: the little white lines you see sticking out of things aren't part of the house, but are actually the gridlines that tell me where I can put floors and such.

Ground floor! With main entrance, hallways, and staircases. Specific areas are as follows:

1 - Meeting room!
2 - Library/TV room!
3 - Kitchen/Dining!
4 - Greenhouse!

Second floor! Aka the Espada Level. CLAIM YOUR ROOMS, GUYS. ...or do it when you get back from all your hiatuses or whatever. :|c Keep in mind that 3 - 5 have no windows! The two rooms with the black and white tile are the bathrooms~

1 - Grimmjow's room
2 - Ulquiorra's room
3 - Szayel's room
4 - Unoccupied!
5 AKA The Bitch Room - Luppi's room forever and ever

Third floor! The "we're better than that lower floor" level. Contains Gin's room, and enough space for two more! The thing waaaaay off to the right is another bathroom, which is reached by a spiral staircase from the second floor. It contains the only bathtub, so if you're looking for a warm bubble bath, you'll have to fight over it!

1 - Unoccupied!
2 - Nelliel's Room!
:) - Gin's room! With access to the area outside, plus bonus telescope.


Of course, since just looking at it like this doesn't give us an idea of scale...

...Gin and Grimmjow will show you around a little bit.

It's rather spartan in here.

But check out the rad TV!

Modern kitchen!

With coffee maker, microwave, and a noticeboard so Ulquiorra knows when to pick up more milk.

Gin says the table works just fine.

The meeting room was boring, so he didn't go in there.

He did try the upstairs showers out, though.

Gin's room! With private bathroom. :3 And a door so he can go outside onto the roof area whenever he feels like it.

But look how cool that greenhouse is.

So cool he decided to sleep there instead.
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