Monday, December 19th, The Midnight Channel

Dec 19, 2011 03:05

Who: The Port's Latest Shadow Televisions Stars! And Thousands of Home Viewers!
When: Midnight, Monday, December 19th
Where: In front of your Television Sets or Streaming NV TV. (Digital Cable? You'll still get the analog effect.)
Summary: Full Plot Details Here
Warnings: Please Put 'em In the Subject Lines As Necessary, Kids?

I We are living our lives, abound with so much information )

lucifer, saint michael, *event, loki, nami, dick grayson, pickles the drummer, *npc: city characters, *open log, dr. john seward, abraham van helsing, chuck shurley, xemnas, youko nakajima, tyrell

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doeswhathewants December 19 2011, 08:19:37 UTC
[The camera pans over a smiling Serrure, clad in his typical bright yellow hoodie and baggy cargo shorts. There’s a sly smile curling up the corners of his mouth and those emerald eyes glow with an inner fire. He stands on a dark corner of a city street, a closed storefront in the background. Before him is a collapsible table with a sealed deck of cards settled harmlessly in the middle. The light from a street lamp casts a shadow behind him, tall and broad, that of a man, not a child, with great horns at his forehead that curve up and tall, then back in on themselves. Pinpricks of green glow in the blank shadow’s face where the eyes of a man should normally be situated. A disembodied voice announces as the camera zooms in, cheerful and deep-]

Now it’s time for the Magic Hour with your host Serrure!

[Canned applause and tinny, pre-recorded cheers go up as Serrure mocks a couple of little bows, to either side, then straight on at the camera. He claps his hands together and the applause track tapers off, fading]Ladies, ladies, lovely ( ... )


reginagloriae January 6 2012, 18:17:17 UTC
[She forces her gaze to remain on the floor. Her head is hurting and she feels slightly betrayed.

She assents after the explanation.]

Why... didn't you tell me?


doeswhathewants January 6 2012, 22:00:28 UTC
I hoped it wasn't true. That the nightmares didn't mean anything. [He glances at her, then away] I didn't want it to be true, either.

[He looks at his hands] I don't deserve another chance. And I understand if you hate me.


reginagloriae January 7 2012, 09:01:13 UTC
[She bites her bottom lip. She hasn't been honest with him either, has she? Yet... it's because she's not sure about anything about her.

His statement make her glance at him, away from the broken china.]

Huh? I...I don't hate you! That... stuff is too weird, but it has nothing to do with me.


doeswhathewants January 7 2012, 18:33:35 UTC
This is true. I'd never hurt you or try to destroy this place. [He's a little relieved, nerves raw, but uneasy because Youko does tend to be a bit reserved.]


reginagloriae January 8 2012, 01:43:15 UTC

[To be honest, she doesn't think he's capable of that. It doesn't matter what the TV screen claimed to be, he was still just a kid. One she had to protect when they arrived.

She shakes her head.]

I knew. About your nightmares.


doeswhathewants January 8 2012, 04:23:07 UTC
reginagloriae January 8 2012, 08:32:40 UTC
[Youko was trying to be nice to avoid confronting him about an unsavoury subject.]

I hoped you were going to tell me on your own.


doeswhathewants January 8 2012, 18:07:01 UTC
[An awkward pause]


It was just one of those things, you know? You hope it's not true so you pretend it doesn't exist.


reginagloriae January 8 2012, 18:08:46 UTC
[Long pause]

I...I guess I know.


doeswhathewants January 8 2012, 18:13:12 UTC
Hiding your own deep, dark secrets, Youko? It's always the quiet ones, I suppose.


reginagloriae January 8 2012, 20:50:45 UTC
[Deep, dark secrets? She blanches slightly and shakes her head. That stings her ears a little. It sounded like her English teachers and those assumptions because of her red hair.]

They are only nightmares!

[She blurts out thoughtlessly before stopping herself. She rises and throws the pieces of the dish on the trash bin.]

Do you want anything for dinner, Serrure? I'm still bad at Western dishes, but I can try again...


doeswhathewants January 8 2012, 23:30:14 UTC
You have nightmares, too? [Well, he was teasing more than accusing, but he perks at that, curious.]

We can make something together. I'm not picky. [He was totally picky, but he was trying.]


reginagloriae January 9 2012, 19:59:41 UTC
[She nods and looks away.]

Months ago, I began to dream about monsters who were trying to kill me. The...the scene became more vivid each time, it didn't let me sleep. Those have stopped.

[She looks ashamed to explain this. She leaves out that they stopped when the monsters she saw in her nightmares appeared.]

...Is there anything you dislike?


doeswhathewants January 9 2012, 23:05:48 UTC
Because you came here?

[He's pretty sure that's not the reason, Youko had seemed to know about monsters. She'd handled them well.]



reginagloriae January 10 2012, 20:16:21 UTC
I... it's not that.

[She shakes her head and opens the fridge.]

Huh. I don't think they sell boar in the supermarket.


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