Sunday, December 18th, The Midnight Channel

Dec 18, 2011 00:49

Who: The Port's Latest Shadow Televisions Stars! And Thousands of Home Viewers!
When: Midnight, Sunday, December 18th
Where: In front of your Television Sets or Streaming NV TV. (Digital Cable? You'll still get the analog effect.)
Summary: Full Plot Details Here
Warnings: Please Put 'em In the Subject Lines As Necessary, Kids?

I try to stop the flow, double-clicking on the go, but it's no use; hey, I'm being consumed )

magneto, hidan, re-l mayer, saint michael, pickles the drummer, *npc: city characters, itou kaiji, claudio kilgannon, *open log, caster, balthazar, franziska von karma, the joker, *event, destiny, dick grayson, winifred "fred" burkle, bruce wayne | batman, rain jewlitt, sam merlotte, larry butz

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Comments 351

menageablank December 18 2011, 07:58:09 UTC
[Balthazar is almost entirely unrecognizable. He is in his complete angelic regalia, covered in shining gold armor. He holds his angel’s sword at his side. His wings spread out behind him, pure white and larger than his vessel. He is facing the side so all the camera gets is his profile. There is absolutely no expression on his face. He stands completely still. A hurricane could pass through and he wouldn’t move an iota. It’s almost as if he’s made of stone ( ... )


reaction : makes_asteroids December 18 2011, 08:20:05 UTC
[This, after the dream Chuck had pulled him into, is a bit much, and he tosses back a drink - just one - while shaking the pictures out of his head, and letting out a shaky breath.

Child soldiers is all he can think of, and it makes him a little ill.]


action; paterelohim December 18 2011, 18:12:44 UTC
[Knock, knock. Unnecessarily forceful knock, actually. Three guesses as to who this is, and the first two don't count.]


Re: action; makes_asteroids December 18 2011, 18:33:26 UTC
[The door simply opens. He's in a chair, drawn up against himself.]


proxysearch December 18 2011, 08:10:10 UTC
[The static opens to a dimly lit room, open and ominous. On each side of the central platform rest two statues each. History afficionados will recognize them as statues from the Medici chapel. At the very back, beyond a partition screening, rests a dark throne...and on it is Re-l herself.

Gone is the makeup, the mask, everything that she usually is. She's wearing her old outfit from Romdeau, heels and all, her hair longer than usual. She looks, for lack of a better word, depressed.]

And that's all it is, huh? At the end of the day, there's nothing.

[Her voice seems a slightly higher pitch than usual, almost lighter.]

It's just endless suffering. That's all it is.

[She turns her head to the screen and sits up.]

Why? Why did this have to happen? Why do I have to be the only one who survives? It'd be so much nicer to away. Fly right into the goddamn sun.

[Her face falls.]

I don't want to feel like this. I don't. But I can't... I can't stop.

[She stares at the screen and her eyes almost look glassy and ( ... )


reaction + action; kingofrooks December 18 2011, 08:20:31 UTC
[ He has been keeping up with the news even though his usual patrols and the search of Jack has kept him away from looking at his NV after sirens. Today is the first day he has the chance to truly investigate, but there is little deduction that needs to be done with what he sees. Re-l's insecurities, laid out fully on the screen for all to look.

What can I do to just make them stay?

Within the echoes of her words, Bruce can hear his own voice. The voice of a child- and he's already leaping out of the Cave. He doesn't take the bike with him; instead, he grapples onto the roof, and moves on from there.

He's going to look for her. He doesn't know how much help he can be, but he knows the solution. At the very least, he offers a distraction. ]


action; proxysearch December 18 2011, 08:25:46 UTC
[The moment she sees herself on the channel, back in her grandfather's throne room, she gets up and gets ready to go out. Her stomach twists every time she hears that goddamn high voice in the background, the voice of that goddamn clone. And she's rattling off Re-l's insecurities like they're her own. She's mocking her.

She doesn't have the patience to deal with it calmly. She's already out in the Darkness and looking for her, unsure where to even begin looking. The Pulse of Awakening is loud in her ears (or maybe she's just frightened) as she goes.

Anything that stands in her way gets killed. She won't put up with this.]


action; kingofrooks December 18 2011, 09:16:29 UTC
[ There's anger in her movements, anger in the way that she's looking. Bruce can see it even from a rooftop away, and he knows he has to tread carefully. He knows what she's capable of, and he honestly doesn't want to use the small torch hidden in his belt- the one capable of emitting sunlight itself.

He shoots the grapple line, and swings over until he lands near her. Far away to react if she decides to attack. ]


[ Quiet, low, as unthreatening as Batman's voice is capable of being. ]


dancing_pierrot December 18 2011, 08:24:48 UTC
[The screen flickers on to show what appears to be an abandoned nursery, a fine layer of dust covering almost everything in the room. Well, it's abandoned apart from the lone figure of a woman with her back turned to the viewer, her blue hair in pigtails and the handles of a jump rope clenched in the fist of her left hand. She walks towards the room's only window, the camera following her movement. Once there, she leans against the ledge and starts to speak, in that sing-song tone that adults sometimes use to talk to small children.]

There were other children here once, but then they were taken home. Their parents came in and cradled their sons and daughters in their arms, kissed them on the foreheads and said 'I love you'. Then they carried them out and sometimes they came back and sometimes they didn't, but in the end they all stayed away forever.

But my Papa never came for me. He took my brother away instead, because his arms couldn't carry us both. He loved my brother more than me - and he's not even my real brother anyway! [ ( ... )


[reaction] dancing_pierrot December 18 2011, 11:06:19 UTC
[Franziska had taken to watching the television at midnight, ever since the onset of the new 'programs'. And although now she knew that they were something more sinister than mere television, there was just something ultimately terrible about the entire possibility that she couldn't just look away.

Yet, the very last person she expects to see on the screen tonight is herself. She feels her heart sink just when she can see the figure's back, and when the girl (and that's one of the worst parts, that she thinks girl instead of woman) in the show starts to speak, Franziska feels her stomach begin to churn. That's not me, is her first immediate rationalization, but she recalls everything she's been told in the past few days and realizes that the truth is actually a lot worse because maybe it actually is.

When the girl turns around, though, and Franziska is confronted with her own tear-stained face, she is flooded with little more than panic, pure and simple. She's barely sure how she gets from step A to step B, from thinking of the ( ... )


[action for sirius!] dancing_pierrot December 18 2011, 11:07:15 UTC
[Franziska kneels down, peering at the plastic with trepidation -- she thinks she sees something and jumps backwards. This reflexive action turns out to be the correct one because there is actually something coming out of the TV. The panic returns again, but it's rather more subdued, because no-one's with her right now and no-one has to see her like this.

To be honest with herself, however, she knows that she can't deal with this alone, if her suspicions are correct. She almost wants to run outside, but such an idea is almost suicidal; she has no way of dealing with the monsters, last time had taught her that well enough. But if the Darkness comes to her, what can she do ( ... )


atrumcanis December 20 2011, 06:21:41 UTC
[Jack has been safe, at the hospital, for over twenty-four hours, which means that everything is right again. Which of course isn't true. There is so much wrong that it's difficult at times to pretend the opposite. Black Mask has been caught, but not by him; Jack was rescued, but not by him. And in all this time, Sirius hasn't left the hospital room--he's pretended to leave, but he's always slipped back in, so he can sit with Jack and watch Jack--half for Jack's comfort, and half for his own. He won't be caught unawares, not this time, not ever again, although being indoors for this long is starting to fray his nerves. But Jack needs him here.

There hasn't been much time for NVs. There hasn't been any time, truth be told--Sirius has ignored everything on the network, focused solely on Jack. So when his NV alerts him to a message, he nearly ignores it--until, of course, he realises that it's a private message, directed to him and him alone. A scowl darkness his face when he sees who has sent it--he hasn't left things on the best of ( ... )


Maria Dunne thepull_mods December 18 2011, 09:01:42 UTC
[Someone is filming a wake. It's an empty funeral parlor, dingy, though full of sunflowers. In the center is a light oak coffin with a baby pink interior. Inside of it is a girl. She's not lying down, but sitting up, leaning on the edge of the coffin, slouching. She's wearing an old taffeta prom dress in an obnoxious electric blue with a ratty black trenchcoat over it. Her hair is dyed red, though poorly and partially faded, in an asymmetrical haircut that seems unprofessional and gives the appearance of her being rather absentminded or half-thought-out. There are circles under her eyes.

No one else is present in the room. It's dark.]So, this is it, huh ( ... )


thecrowingtobe December 18 2011, 09:28:21 UTC
[Claudio Kilgannon]

[The television snow clears at first, showing a young boy with black wild hair in a red hoodie and jeans standing on a hillside, hands in his pockets, staring up into the night sky. There are tons and tons of planets in the sky, so many it’s hard to count. They seem like moons to an earthling, but this is how his sky normally looks to him. Or used to. It’s stunning. Beautiful!]

[He doesn’t look at the screen at first, just stands there, looking up into the night sky. The image holds for a moment, a flicker of a ghost of a man flashes over the screen (his father) followed by others (his mother and siblings).]

[Claudio jerked suddenly, looking down into bloody hands. His hoodie is actually very blue, not red, and now is dripping in blood...]

He killed them. He killed them all. She let it happen too. You were off doing nothing and they were killed. You were off pretending some girl loved you and they were all killed! My sisters and little brother. My parents killed them all. They killed them all then went off to ( ... )


2/2 thecrowingtobe December 18 2011, 09:28:51 UTC
[in the end, the planet he’s standing on is slowly covered with falling rocks showing into the ground, fire in the skies and a blaze of orange building up behind him. The sky above starts looking darker as the ‘suns’ start to go out, and the earth he stands on shakes and rumbles.]

[He’s crying now, upset, burning and in pain, though nothing has struck him yet. His hands are clenched, dripping blood, a burning chunk of rock comes flying towards him from behind... ]

I don’t want to be alone... why wont anyone love me? Why doesn’t anyone want me?!

[The burning rock comes smashing in behind him, but instead of rushing him his shield goes up, smashing the rock, protecting him in a eery green bubble, before the planet he’s on explodes... and the screen goes black for a moment.]

[Then it returns to television snow]


reaction; regeneratesalot December 18 2011, 16:21:19 UTC
[ Holy hell. She feels like she should give him a call, or send him a text, but ... damn if she had no idea what to say. 'How are you' seemed stupid, and nothing else came to her mind. ]


no reaction; thecrowingtobe December 18 2011, 17:23:55 UTC
[She'd get a simple panicked 'that's not me, I don't know what's going on!' response, cus he's very sure that.... isn't who he is at all. Instead he's just going to look for it to dispose of it, before it makes him look like more of an insane ass.]


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