All the world is a stage, and everyone has their part

Dec 15, 2011 13:33

Who: Jack Kelly [cowboy_newsie] and Batman [kingofrooks], Black Mask [ebony_mask] and Batman [see above].
When: The 16th, post-sirens.
Where: Black Mask's hideout.
Summary: Batman finally finds out where Black Mask is keeping Jack. He goes for a rescue. Then Black Mask comes back.
Warnings: Violence. Mentions/explicit descriptions of torture, gore, drugs and drug abuse. Stuff like ( Read more... )

bruce wayne | batman, daedalus yumeno, black mask, jack kelly

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Comments 64

JACK KELLY kingofrooks December 15 2011, 05:48:23 UTC
[ It starts off with just a single instinct. A single nudging within himself that something isn't right. That it is far too clean.

People disappear everyday. The Core takes them, kicking and screaming or quietly in their beds, or they die and the Core doesn't bring them that. Bruce knows that, and he has experienced the aching loss of someone disappearing on him too many times for him to not be perfectly aware of how it feels. Damian, Jason, Carrie- the Core gives, and the Core takes away. Carrie is back, but Bruce barely knows her, and that is something that is expected too. He is used to it, and he has a list. Sheets of numbers telling him probabilities, based upon evidence and experience.

But Jack Kelly's disappearance disturbs him. His instincts tell him there's something wrong. The city doesn't laugh, and she doesn't tell him that he's wrong and he's being too hopeful. She keeps his silence. He hasn't heard a single word from her for at least ten days. Something is wrongDecember 7th. Matches Malone starts hearing news of a new ( ... )


cowboy_newsie December 15 2011, 06:01:36 UTC

He doesn't jerk awake so much as shiver so. One moment he's lying against the wall, curled into as tight a ball as the chains on his ankles and wrists will allow-- and the next he's scrambling to stand, swaying as he does.

He's a strange dichotomy. Covered from head to toe in blood and vomit, clothes torn and filthy, body too thin, eyes dark with exhaustion and bright with terror-- but perfectly whole, perfectly healthy. There isn't an injury on him, not a cut finger or scraped knee.

He stares at Batman, dumbfounded, his chest rising and falling sharply in fear. For a few brief seconds, Jack does nothing but stare, trembling so badly the chains rattle against the wall.

Abruptly he falls to the ground, kneeling, his head cradled in his hands as his eyes close tightly.]

Go away-- go away, go away--

[He whispers it, chants it to himself, hoping it will work. If his hallucinations have gotten this bad, if the fantasy world he's been escaping to in his head is spilling over into reality, that means he's farther gone than he ( ... )


kingofrooks December 15 2011, 06:23:05 UTC
[ Fear reeks off the boy, a scent sharper and heavier than the blood and vomit on his clothes. If Batman's strength is closer to Superman's, the wall next to him would have already caved in with how hard his hand slaps against it- with barely any sound, leather against concrete, a dull impact that sends painful shockwaves up his arm that he barely acknowledges.

Batman walks forward, and lets the anger he feels curl within himself, shoving it to the back of his mind. There is no use panicking or being angry; there is no use in feeling the hint of bile at the back of his throat, choking him and strangling his words until he can't even feel the edges of them. He no longer thinks in words, but only in pictures- in violence. ]

I'm not going away.

[ He can hear those little whispers, those little whimpers. Batman moves fast, and he's already taking the lockpicks from the slit in his armour, slipping them into the lock and pulling the chains away from Jack ( ... )


cowboy_newsie December 15 2011, 06:37:43 UTC
[It's so bizarre he can't help but think of it as a dream at first. To be freed from his chains so abruptly, when he's broken his wrists again and again in the attempt; to be wrapped in warmth and held like a child; to be carried out of the hell he had been promised he would never leave-- no. This can't be real. This has to be a dream; to entertain the notion even for a moment that this might be reality hurts too much.

And that's relaxing, in a way. If it's a dream, if this isn't real, then he won't make it. He'll wake up in that basement again, an IV in his arm, Roman grinning in the corner as he sharpens a blade or readies a drill. And that's the way it's going to be, so he might as well enjoy this now while his mind is caught here.

They're beyond the stairs when Jack remembers something.]

There's . . . the other man. Back there, in the . . . did you get him?

[His tone is calm, now, his gaze relaxed as he stares up at Batman. This is a dream. This is a dream and nothing truly matters.]


BLACK MASK kingofrooks December 15 2011, 06:12:38 UTC
[ There are several kinds of silences within Gotham, especially when it comes to those who deliberately set themselves against Batman. Joker's silence is something to keep an eye out on, simply because he might be planning something or he might have finally skidded his feet against one of the rear oases of calm that he has once in a while. Batman can leave him alone, looking once in a while ( ... )


ebony_mask December 15 2011, 17:53:59 UTC
[Black Mask is high.

High on success. High on adrenaline. High on sadistic glee.

Even if Joker hasn't been blow to bits and incinerated, the message has been sent: war has begun.

Things are finally starting to feel like the old days again. Pre-gang war, of course, but with his rising influence, it is now only a matter of time before he instigates the next phase of his master plan.

Before the end of next year, Black Mask wants Siren's Port to be a war zone.

His new face stretched into a triumphant grin, he whistles Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture as he enters his house.

He'll help himself to a scotch on the rocks before moving to the basement to check on his prisoner.]


kingofrooks December 16 2011, 03:28:09 UTC
[ It's not the whistling. It's not the smile on his face. Batman is used to both of that. He knows enough of Roman's behaviour to expect this of him. None of it is a surprise- but there is one surprise. One that makes him suck in his breath suddenly, and the tight band he keeps over his rage suddenly snapsBlack Mask no longer deserves his name. His face is healed over, the skin grown back, and Batman knows that it's because of Jack Kelly. The weight of the boy in his arms still haunt him, and there is Jack's blood on his armour and here Sionis is, enjoying the fruits of his labour. Of Jack's torture ( ... )


i don't have a pb icon with enough shock ebony_mask December 16 2011, 04:35:40 UTC
[Black Mask's face smashes with a sickening crunch against the wall, his nose and several teeth broken upon impact. It happens so fast he doesn't register it immediately. Stars erupt behind his eyelids, but he doesn't feel the pain begin to blossom until the voice pauses.

Batman. Of course, it has to be the flying freak, doesn't it? No one else knew his M.O. as well as the Bat.

Thinking straight is difficult with the pain throbbing in his head and neck, but he doesn't ignore it. He can't. He knows, having made a study on pain, it never helps to ignore pain. Better to embrace it. Use it to fuel his rage.

To love it, in a way.

Blood runs down his face even as it slowly begins to heal and Roman spits a few teeth to the floor in a bloody clump. Then he rams his elbow backward in Batman's direction, hissing.]

How did you find me?


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