Who: Mad-Eye Moody and you!
When: October 21st-24th; pick a time
Where: Sector 3, by the library, or Sector 2, by the police station there
Summary: Meet a paranoid old cranky wizard scouting things out in his version of recon.
Warnings: None yet.
sweet heaven keep me in temper )
Comments 248
If they were actually approaching, it was usually cause to pull out his wand and then also switch locations in the library. One didn't want to just destroy books, especially not ones that might be cursed.
On this occasion, though, he recognized the person approaching. The Lovegood girl. And they called him mad. (Though they called her mad too.) So while seeming to still be scanning his book, he watched her carefully as she approached. When she was within earshot, and no one else was, he grunted a short, "Evening."
While there was still a small smile on her face, she approached him a little more cautiously, her fingers moving to where she'd been storing her wand behind her ear for safekeeping. “Good evening. Can I be sure that you're really Professor Moody?” Well, she supposed that he wasn't a Hogwarts professor any longer (or had he ever been in the first place? She couldn't remember all the details), but that didn't really matter. What was in a name, anyway?
"Not very subtle, Lovegood, but it works," he said. "Here's one thing. I never really got around to much teaching, now, so you can drop the Professor if you like."
He paused again. "And kindly put your wand somewhere it won't blast your brains out if it ignites."
He spots someone - the Moody character, he believed, moving frequently. It made him on edgy and pause to lean against a while and watch. Moody and the others in the library with a critical eye.
A few minutes later, though, he realizes that the man is watching him, now. He wonders if it's that man he'd talked to over the NV a month ago -- perhaps, as that man seemed likely to fit this description. Regardless, he'll very intentionally move out of sight of the older man behind a shelf, and see what happens next.
He watched as Moody walked behind a shelf. But wooden bookshelves and paper books did little to block his other types of sight he had, and if ambient xrays weren't as detailed as other types vision but enough for him to track Moody.
He starts flipping through his NV, to confirm his hunch -- see if the past NV transmissions match the description of the man, after which he'll start approaching him directly.
On and on.
He's wary...ish. He just loves monologuing so much.
Still, what would be the point if someone weren't inside? And that's the odder thing, isn't it?
Someone was watching him. He just knew. Because every time he started talking to himself someone inevitably snuck up on him. Somehow. And he hated that. Hated it.
Cars can't twitch, so instead he transforms. Now there's a nervous, 27ft/8m tall robot with a glowing red laser cannon on its right arm, scanning the darkness for a perceived (real?) threat.
This new form didn't explain why it was talking to itself, of course. Darkness monsters didn't tend to look like this, but there was no safety in assumptions.
[OOC: I assume, given his style, that Moody's Occulumancy is excellent but obvious? What would the outside of his mind look like? Emma's not doing anything other than not closing her mental eyes, but noticing surface minds / surface shields is default.]
[ooc: yes, that sounds about right. I figure he would be extremely unsubtle about it -- just put up something akin to a thick brick wall.]
Most times when going to work, it's easiest to Apparate to some area just outside of the bar and then stroll in. Or there's always the flying motorbike, or half a hundred other more interesting ways to get to work, but today Sirius had elected to walk. Which is perfectly all right, walking is enjoyable--and it takes him past the police station, and he'd thought perhaps to duck in and see Re-l, if she was in, just for a moment--
And here's that mad old bloke, standing outside and glaring at everyone. He blends in about as well as a half-lame pitbull among poodles. And Sirius could simply walk on by, but--
He sidles up to Moody instead, skeptically.]
Expecting someone?
Spotted you a couple blocks away, Black. You always sidle up like that to people that you know are ready to blast intruders?
Oh, is that what you're preparing to do? Sorry, it looks to me as if you're just lurking outside a public building, you should have announced otherwise.
And who might you be coming here for?
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