
Oct 10, 2011 20:59

Who: askedtobe and under-thehood
When: Wednesday
Where: Starting off on some street somewhere idk and going wherever... they go.......
Summary: Jason jumps Peter and wants information. And uses violent means to get it.
Warnings: Lots of violence. LOTS OF IT.

i can't accept and won't concede )

jason todd, peter petrelli

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Comments 69

under_thehood October 11 2011, 16:01:19 UTC
[Jason had been watching Peter for a while, since Carrie's death really, but not taken too much interest in him until his father's own murder. Bruce's head had been cut open, just like Carrie's, and the vigilante had decided that enough was enough; enough time had been wasted. So, as Peter moved through the crowds, face ducked and hidden, Jason followed, his own hood drawn as he slouched along, but never losing sight of the other man. He needed to plan his attack and make it perfect, to make sure that people wouldn't suspect.

He slowly gained ground, catching up to the metahuman as he prepared. A press to the side of the neck would put him out long enough, right? Just long enough to get those brand new void cuffs on him and get him all alone. That was the plan.

So, as Jason neared the other man, he tripped and stumbled into him, seemingly reaching out to try and correct his balance and attempting to squeeze the nerves just under Peter's ear.]


askedtobe October 11 2011, 16:13:26 UTC
[ He heard Jason only a second before he was being crashed into, throwing a concerned look over his shoulder to help whoever it was that had nearly fallen into him.

Except concern turned rather quickly to confusion, not even leaving Peter enough time to be truly irritated, when he was getting jabbed in an obvious pressure point. Surprise hadn't even given him enough time to ask what the other man was doing before he was nearly crumpling himself, the whole scene looking simply as if Jason had accidentally knocked Peter out. Though, all things considered, Peter's brain was already in the process of righting itself. ]


under_thehood October 11 2011, 19:44:37 UTC
Oh shit! [Jason stared for a second, the act now fully in place as a red flush began to take over his face as if embarrassed by the unfortunate tumble.] Shit, man, are you okay? I'll just, uh...

[The vigilante slides an arm underneath Peter's, somewhat clumsily pulling him up and out of the way of foot traffic. There, the illusion is complete, but he needs to keep Peter under for longer in order to get him to the Docks. Regardless, the void cuffs are more important and he attempts to click one of them around Peter's left wrist before anything else happens.]


askedtobe October 11 2011, 22:52:44 UTC
[ It's not as if Peter's going to be putting up much of a fight, what with the whole being marginally unconscious thing.

He might even be starting to life his head, words forming just on the edge of his mind when Jason pulls him up. But as soon as the cuff clicks around his wrist, everything stops -- healing paused in the middle of bringing Peter up out of unconsciousness, leaving Peter hanging on the edge of waking and amenable to being dragged just about anywhere. ]


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