and i can't believe how much i've wasted my time

Oct 02, 2011 13:08

When: Forward-dated to the 4th.
Where: The docks!
Summary: Khisanth, no, baby, those were not Tic Tacs. 8[ Stop taking things from strangers, seriously. BUT IT'S TOO LATE NOW, and now there's a pissy and hallucinating dragon off to fuck up SERO's docks.
Warnings: probs not

the trouble with dreams is you never know when to hold on and when to let go )

khisanth, clark kent, bruce wayne | batman

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Comments 10

fantasycliche October 14 2011, 18:42:09 UTC
[ They're holding her down, and she can't figure out how-- she keeps thrashing, and clawing at them, tearing them apart again and again. But the restraints remain. (And part of her mind, the part beginning to recover from such a small dose in such a large body, asks if that isn't a little strange? She isn't even in the Abyss, how could any of these creatures be here? She's dealt with illusions before, maybe...)

But then there's a flash. A painfully bright flash, and any rational thought dissolves under anger. She doesn't know what spell that was that they'd just used on her, but she'll be damned if she'll be the only one to suffer it. After the initial pained and outraged ear-splitting shriek, she works a spell of her own.

Not darkness, this time. No, this time it's fog. Thick and soupy, rising from the water and roiling in to cover the scene in a veritable wave, while she waits for her own vision to recover. ]


isitablurred October 21 2011, 01:25:31 UTC
[ He closed his eyes, and immediately there was a flash behind them; a flash that was possible to see even through his eyelids. It would have done nothing, of course - he'd flown into suns without the light burning his eyes - but that didn't mean it did nothing to the dragon.

Immediately he tightens the chains, looking up into the fog. His X-ray vision cuts through it easily, but Bruce is another matter, but he doesn't ask. If Bruce needs the fog gone, he knows that all he needs to do is say and Clark will blow it clear. And if he prefers it? Well that's just fine with him. Meanwhile he lands lightly on the dragon's head, his words a soft whisper.]

Let us help you.


kingofrooks October 21 2011, 02:08:26 UTC
[ The fog is more of an irritant than anything substantial. Bruce reaches up and switches on his night vision, noticing heat signatures rather than actual bodies and shapes. There is no need for clear, sharp, detailed vision - body language is worthless when it comes to an angry dragon lashing out, and he doesn't need body language to know what Clark is doing.

Of course, he could've asked Clark to blow it away, of course, but the fog can hide him from the dragon. He's already moving at the ground again, looking up.

Then, he shoots a grapple line towards a roof and flies upwards. ]

Stop fighting.

[ The angel and the demon. ]


fantasycliche October 21 2011, 05:39:13 UTC
[ It could be her returning sight, or the slowly-waning effects of the drug. It might even be Superman's voice so near, or Batman's, so commanding. But she finally shakes her head, clearing away the last vestiges of the attacking creatures. And finds-- finds chains. Chains and cables. So that was what had been subduing her. But who-- the red and blue catches her eye immediately, and a suspicious glare is the first instinctive response. ]

Get off of me.

[ It's not really a command she waits for him to follow, instead just ducking her head to snap at the restraints. One gives way under her teeth, and she frees both forelegs to begin snapping the rest.

And, more quietly, under the protesting twist and screech of metal breaking: ] Are they still out there?


isitablurred October 27 2011, 22:29:53 UTC
[ He floats back just enough to not be on her, but the same doesn't go for Bruce. His attention flickers to him, then back again.

And suddenly he realises what they're doing--they're playing 'good cop, bad cop' with a dragon. ]

I'm not sure what 'they' you mean, but we can help you. You have to stop attacking everything in sight. If you don't, then Batman and I will have no choice but to restrain you--you can't carry on like this.


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