[Open] Put a Tic Tac in your mouth (and get a bang out of life)

Sep 23, 2011 04:11

Who: OPEN.
When: The morning of the 23rd until the 31st (back-tagging is also acceptable if your character has already made this mistake).
Where: From various pharmacies to your pockets.
Summary: The popularity of Xalyein is starting to pick up on the streets. Pickles, being the guy that D.A.R.E. and Wally Bear warned kids about, decides to play a ( Read more... )

garr, blaine anderson, pickles the drummer, simon tam, *open log

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Comments 38

24th // Brooke's \\ Open to Anyone // A or B namiwasheretoo September 24 2011, 09:10:15 UTC
It had been a long day so far and it was only lunch time! She had ran her shift last night at Sector Zero (her poor bouncers were having to deal with one too many Oktoberfest drunks) and then went out to deal with a few hired hands for Marco's cow's. After that she stopped to gather some things from a local pharmacy. A new bottle of antacids (ever since her time at Edelweiss she had a hell of a time managing FOOD), a bottle of orange pop, two pairs of new fuzzy socks (a splurge) and one pack of orange tic-tacs (what? She liked orange, okay ( ... )


24th - Sector 4 (a decent walking distance from Tower Apartments) - Open giftedistheterm September 25 2011, 01:18:43 UTC
Money was still a concern for Simon but he could stand to indulge a little bit and eat so long as he did it sparingly... Of course, if he were to be completely honest, the temptation of a real restaurant with a menu was too much to resist at times. And the occasional convenience store item, such as a package of breath mints, was also acceptable.

Yet as Simon made his way back towards the Tower Apartments that day after an early supper...things started happening that would go on to change his mind. Each step he took felt lighter, and he stopped moving forward...or the street corner was getting further away. In fact, everything seemed to be getting further away, so Simon did the only reasonable thing he could think of and stopped in the middle of the side-walk, swaying slightly, and let out a faint almost nervous laugh.

"...this doesn't feel right," he mumbled.

(OOC: So, basic scenario, Simon's in the middle of section four when the drugs he had taken after his meal started kicking in, he's clever enough to recognize something's ( ... )


morethanmyria September 25 2011, 04:58:14 UTC
He hadn't expected finding work to be easy, and the city had not disappointed him. The natives liked new arrivals little enough, new arrivals who had not joined a faction less, and those who also did not look human perhaps least of all. But Garr was practiced in the ancient art of Not Giving A Shit, Son and that combined very well with his ability to out-lift half the machines on the island. Finally he'd found a few potential employers that seemed interested, and not being an impatient man he considered that progress enough ( ... )


giftedistheterm September 26 2011, 03:07:15 UTC
For a big fellow, Garr could certainly sneak up on a person. That or Simon was going from 'slightly out of it' to 'completely detached in the head' far more quickly than was safe. He stumbled as he turned around, eyes widening as they drew up and up and...not actually stopping until they were some point above Garr's actual head.

"Captain? No, too orange." Simon blinked and squinted and then he found Garr's eye. "Why orange, that can't be-- Oh. Oh it's you.

"...the cortex really doesn't do you justice."

Simon was still swaying slightly, but at least he didn't look completely terrified. More overly fascinated...probably more so than was polite, especially when he took half a step forward and reached out to poke at the nearest part of the giant dragon-man, which was turning out to be his knee. Was it scaly, Simon seemed to be wondering? Or maybe he thought that ridiculously bright color would come off like wet paint under his fingers.


morethanmyria October 1 2011, 03:04:07 UTC
While Garr could be remarkably stealthy for someone his size (centuries of hunting will do that for anyone), in this instance he hadn't been making any particular effort. Simon was indeed just that high, and Garr was privately reevaluating his own opinion of just how far gone this man really was. When Simon proceeded to toddle forward and, of all things, reach out and poke at him like something interesting found under a rock, that opinion went from 'possibly very far gone' to an idle 'potential death wish.'

Not that Garr was actually in the habit of killing the harmlessly mad, but most people wouldn't guess that.

His skin was not scaled, instead tough as old scarred leather and noticeably warm, and his eyes were not amused. "Stop that."

A pause. Wait, what? "...do I know you?"


Open // takes place on 9/28 mediumdrip September 28 2011, 05:03:06 UTC
The first time that Blaine got the pills it had been purely accidental. He had been looking for things to bring to Souji's house and had put what he thought were mints in with his order ( ... )


9/28 [In a Quik Stop-type place?] drinkthebleach September 30 2011, 07:32:05 UTC
Glib douche bags say that Rome was not built in a day, and Pickles's plan to introduce a little drug trip into people's lives didn't take just a day, either. He couldn't go out at night, even if he wanted to, because the pharmacies and convenience stores closed after the sirens. So he divided and conquered.

So there he was, discarded tic tacs in one pocket as he refills the empty containers with Xalyein and keeping a look-out for anyone who might catch him in the act. But there aren't a lot of people inside and the guy behind the cash register was invested in an issue of Nuts.

Replacing the last container on the shelf, he tugs at his beanie to make sure it was still secure on his head (he knows he stands out anywhere outside of a headbangers ball, and covering his skullet might throw security off his trail) and starts to leave.


mediumdrip October 1 2011, 03:13:03 UTC
Blaine saw Pickles right where he wanted to be when he walked into the story. He tried to focus on getting what he came for, but it seemed rude not to at least acknowledge Pickles.

"Hey," he said to the red-head. "I think we've spoken before, over the network."

He was being polite, but his eyes did glance over at the Tic-Tacs as he spoke to Pickles.


drinkthebleach October 1 2011, 09:51:19 UTC
Pickles might've been less surprised if he had expecting someone to be right there when he looks up. He wills himself not to act too suspicious, knowing his hands were metaphorically red in his pockets, but that doesn't quite stop the sharp inhale, audible as a soft 'myeh' sound.

"What?" Then he blinks a couple times, trying to find the same recognition before he tells him to fuck off. "Oh-ooooooh. Yeah I know you: yer dat gay guy I talked to dat one time." He wasn't sure if he should laugh or not, though one corner of his mouth picks up a bit. "Heh. Just don't tell me it's a small fuckin' world."


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