Open Log

Sep 15, 2011 10:03

Who: Reim's puppy, Oscar, and YOU
When: Between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM on September, 15th
Where: Through Sector 4
Little Oscar got loose and is running about sector 4. He's happy and ready to interact with anyone that is willing.
Warnings: None ( Read more... )

kyoji kasshu, elizabeth middleford, starscream, damian wayne, reim lunettes

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Comments 44

thegermanninja September 15 2011, 15:14:52 UTC
[Oh, hey, a puppy! He looks lost. Kyoji goes over to him and pets him gently, looking down at his collar to check who he belongs to.] ... Oscar? What are you doing here? Where is Reim? [Meanwhile he's scratching behind Oscar's ears.]


silverlunettes September 15 2011, 15:17:03 UTC
[Oscar barks and wags his tail. He likes the attention. What? Reim? He's never going to tell. He's free~!]


thegermanninja September 15 2011, 15:25:32 UTC
[Well, Kyoji is content to just smile a bit and rub at Oscar's little ears some more. Though leaning down like this is not doing wonders for his back, so eventually he kneels a bit.]


silverlunettes September 15 2011, 15:41:30 UTC
[Yay! All the attention! See, wondering away from the house is good. People love him out here!]


birdthright September 16 2011, 00:59:13 UTC
[ If little Oscar goes scampering through the alleys, he will find a costumed boy perched somewhere above him. ]


silverlunettes September 16 2011, 01:09:24 UTC
[And here comes little Oscar. Sniff sniff. Sniff. Wait. What. Person! There's a person! Oscar barks and wags his tail. Okay, so you're dressed a little funny, Robin. That doesn't mean you can't pet him!]


birdthright September 16 2011, 01:16:44 UTC
[ Damian gives Oscar a quizzical look. He's dealt with cats, but not so much dogs. The dog might bring attention to his presence, so he throws his line over and swings toward the next building. Hopefully, it doesn't try to chase him. ]


silverlunettes September 16 2011, 01:25:08 UTC
[Oh, he's leaving. Like a bird! Chase him! Get the bird! He follows, looking at the roof until he sees Damian again. Then he barks again. Pet him!]


littlelostjet September 16 2011, 04:34:59 UTC
[Starscream is kinda getting used to driving. Until he rounds a corner and OH SLAG THERE'S SOME KIND OF ODDLY COLORED FURRY QUADRUPEDAL EARTH CREATURE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM!!!!]


[chrk-chrk-chrkchrk! He transforms and does a weird half-somersault twirl-step to avoid splattering gross fleshy bits all over himself. He keeps his momentum going and transforms back into a car and burns rubber away from the scene. The move could have been considered cool if it wasn't a complete fluke.]

ARRGH! I hate this place!



silverlunettes September 16 2011, 07:41:08 UTC
[Taking a walk. Just taking a walk. Wait... what is that. WHAT IS THAT?! Giant metal thing coming right at him! When it flips over him and zips off, Oscar bolts for the nearest building and starts scratching on the door. I WANT IN!]

[Given all of that flash of metal outside, Reim is flabbergasted as he looks out of the Lion's Gate door and towards the road. Then there's that scratching. He opens the door.]


[Thanks Starscream. You've now scared the shit out of Oscar. He'll never want to leave the house again.]


ribbonsanelace September 16 2011, 10:06:15 UTC
[Oh goodness! That puppy...! It is so cute!!

With a girlish squeal of glee, Lizzie approaches the puppy slowly with a barely contained excitement, reaching out her hand to him.]

Hello there!


silverlunettes September 16 2011, 10:26:12 UTC
[Person! It's a pretty person! Oscar trots up and sniffs her hand before licking it once. This, his tail wags. Pet him! Pet him!]


ribbonsanelace September 17 2011, 11:39:22 UTC
Heehee~! It's nice to meet you, too!

[Giggling, she bends down and uses both hands to scratch behind his floppy puppy ears. LET'S BE BEST FRIENDS, PUPPY]


silverlunettes September 18 2011, 07:55:47 UTC
[Petting! Yay! You are forever a great person, Elizabeth! Better than that Gilbert jerk that never likes him. His tail moves faster and he looks happy. Happy puppy face!]


wormwhistler September 18 2011, 06:31:50 UTC
[Lost puppy: meet equally lost child. A lost child who is both somewhat curious but definitely too hesitant to do anything but stare.]


silverlunettes September 18 2011, 06:43:33 UTC
[Oh, it's a small human! Oscar trots up and wags his tail. Pet him! Pet him!]


wormwhistler September 18 2011, 07:30:57 UTC
[Okay well it will... take him a moment of hesitation before giving into those puppy charms. Petting him in that delicate way you'd pet a cat. They did have a cat or two, silly animation loops at his little orphan hide-out.]


silverlunettes September 19 2011, 11:16:22 UTC
[This isn't the normal way he's pet, but Oscar doesn't seem to mind. He's happy for the attention, and it shows in his tail, which starts wagging faster.]


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