Live in my house

Jun 05, 2011 15:41

Who: Sakura KaijuuSakura, Fai cursdbludysmile and Yako topslug
When: Starting at lunch time, and ending after sirens on June 5th.
Where: Tower Apartments/Sector 5.
Summary: Sakura and Fai go look at their potential Bistro/Apartment with Yako. They stay out too late, and get caught in the darkness.
Warnings: Normal events. Violence when fighting the monsters.

No day but today )

fai d. flourite, sakura kinomoto, yako katsuragi

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kaijuusakura June 5 2011, 22:43:45 UTC
[ Place holder for the rest of lunch/going to sector 5. ]


topslug June 7 2011, 15:19:08 UTC
It was a clear, sunny day-- they couldn't have picked a better one for going out, really. Equipped with a broad-brimmed hat, Yako was waiting in front of the doors to the apartment's lobby, absently fixing the cuffs of her short-sleeved blouse. Finding a place that matched Fai's requirements hadn't been too tricky, but she'd had to dismiss a lot of the possible choices-- either because of exorbitant rent, or because the neighborhood wasn't a good one.

Eventually, she'd narrowed it down to two choices, both in Sector 5. There wasn't much of a difference between them, just the location and the space of each. She hoped they'd find one or the other suitable for what they needed-- she did her best with helping Newcomers when she could, but sometimes it just couldn't be done.

Now, having sent Fai a message earlier, all she had to do now was settle in and wait.


kaijuusakura June 7 2011, 19:09:27 UTC
Sakura nodded to Fai, a smile lit up her face. She was so excited to go see the new place, even if it did mean that they would be staying here longer then expected. She had never moved before, so the idea was enthralling.

Sakura eagerly hoped down the stairs, occasionally waiting for Fai to catch up. When she reached the lobby area, she saw Yako standing outside. She looked up to Fai, waiting for him to catch up.


cursdbludysmile June 9 2011, 14:17:46 UTC
Fai was only a few steps behind Sakura, quite entranced by her bright cheerfulness, her childish freedom. He can't help but think that the Princess mush have been quite similar, before losing her memories. It's enough that he wants to protect that smile and beg forgiveness for the damage he's done to his own Sakura.

He can't and he won't, but the guilt of that lie is still there, all the same.

Even so, he was careful to return her smile with one of his own as he joined her in the lobby, then laughs a bit as he crossed the remaining space beside her to Yako. And then he gave the woman a polite bow and reached for her hand, to catch the fingertips in a light hold. "It's a pleasure to meet you in person, Miss Yako. Can I introduce you to my friend and charge, Miss Sakura?"


topslug June 9 2011, 15:32:16 UTC
Seeing them together, Yako couldn't help but smile-- they made quite the ood pair, and yet there was something endearing about how they interact. She let Fai take her hand, nodding first at him, then at the younger girl.

"We've spoken before," she murmured, "But it wasn't a formal introduction. Hello, Mr. Fai, Miss Sakura. It's great to meet you both." She grins at Sakura, since she can't offer her hand just yet. "We're going to have to take a bus to the other side of town, but I hope you two are ready to look at some houses!"


kaijuusakura June 9 2011, 20:38:47 UTC
"Hello!" She smiled up at Yako, "It's great to meet you too!"

"I am really excited to go see the houses!" It didn't matter to her if she had to bus all the way there. Her eagerness did not make her raddled up like it would in other children, but she could not wait to start making all of those fun decisions that only adults could do, like which color to make that room, or which kind of furniture they wanted in this room.


cursdbludysmile June 16 2011, 18:53:39 UTC
Fai released Yako's hand with a polite nod, then chuckled softly as he crossed to hold open the lobby door for them. He cast them both a small, friendly smile and shrugged a bit. "I don't mind the bus-ride or the subway. I've actually got day and night passes for that, at least. Whichever works easiest for you, of course."

He laughed a bit at Sakura's enthusiasm and added lightly, "But I am too. I think I'm looking forward to starting this venture. Where to first?"


topslug June 17 2011, 10:31:58 UTC
"It's easy enough to access either way," Yako explained, "But I think a bus stop might be better so you can get an idea of the neighborhood you'll be moving into." Having said that, she began to walk to the nearest bus stop, still talking. "We'll be going to Sector 5."

She had a day pass for a bus herself, and it didn't take too long before a bus pulled up by them. Stepping up into the bus, she slid into a seat, waiting for Sakura and Fai to do the same.

"Do you have any questions or concerns, before we get there?"


kaijuusakura June 19 2011, 05:58:45 UTC
Sakura followed along, mostly just listening, nodding at the appropriate times.

When she was boarding the bus, it took her a moment to understand how the system worked, and she almost tripped when the bus started to go unexpectedly before she got to sit next to Yako.

As much as she wished she could make the important decisions, Sakura's mind came up blank when they were asked if they had any questions or concerns. She looked up to Fai, wondering what questions might be appropriate.


cursdbludysmile June 19 2011, 20:17:06 UTC
Fai waited until both ladies were properly settled in seats before leaning against the bar between the seats and the roof of the bus. He slouched back, ankles and arms crossed loosely, then frowned thoughtfully for a moment as he organized his thoughts.

When he finally spoke, he glanced up to meet Yako's gaze and asked simply, "Are they in at least moderately neutral areas? And are the locations in places that are essentially 'safe' for Sakura-chan?"

Because while he had a plethora of questions, those two were the most pressing in his mind.


topslug June 20 2011, 08:03:31 UTC
Yako nodded, understanding the reasons for Fai's concern. "They're in relatively neutral areas, but you'll be surrounded mostly by locals. There aren't too many Newcomers who move up to Sector 5. There shouldn't be any trouble: the areas are well-lit, even at night, and it's part of the SPPD's usual evening patrols."

She sat with her hands in her lap at first, but as she spoke, she opened up her bag to pull out her NV.

"We're going here, and here." Tapping a few buttons induced the NV to display a holographic map of the city. She pointed the two spots out with a finger.


kaijuusakura June 21 2011, 05:31:56 UTC
"Hoe!" Sakura let out in amazement. She had never seen something like that before. The holographic map just looked so pretty. She really wanted to reach out and touch it. She kept her hands to herself, though.

She looked expectantly up to Fai and Yako and continued to follow their conversation quietly.


cursdbludysmile June 21 2011, 20:20:43 UTC
Fai started to ask another question then stopped, amused at Sakura's fascination. Instead he nodded towards the NV and smiled. "It's just a three dimensional image on air, Sakura-chan. I bet if you ask, Miss Yako will let you try to touch it."

She really was a delight to watch - not that he'd admit that out loud, of course.


topslug June 22 2011, 06:33:35 UTC
"You're certainly welcome to, though I'm afraid there's nothing to feel, there." Yako laughed, moving it where they could both see it better.

"This house is the one that's in better condition, but it's not as close to the main roads and bus stations. This one will take a little more repair, and it's smaller, but it's in a good place for a restaurant, and other stores and amenities are closer by. You'll see what I mean when we get there." Which should be in another five minutes.


kaijuusakura June 23 2011, 08:25:13 UTC
Sakura blushed, and she wore a sheepish smile. She was not quite sure what she was expecting if she did ask to touch it.

"It really does not feel like anything?" She asked. She was clearly more distracted over the hologram than anything else. It took her a moment to remember what this trip was about, and she blushed more.

"Ah.. Sorry." She was apologized guiltily, she didn't want to bother Yako about it, so she just enjoyed watching it until it was put away. There was more questions she could ask about it later.


cursdbludysmile June 24 2011, 15:57:00 UTC
Fai watched Sakura a moment more, a small amused smile on his lips before he turned back to Yako, automatically shifted slightly closer with the bus as it turned a corner. "In that case, we can look at the house first, then the the one with the apartment."

He shrugged and glanced out the window, thoughtful. "Just by the sound of it, the latter will be more ideal for this type of business - and a little extra work isn't so much of an issue."


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