Tear into the History

Jun 02, 2011 17:12

Who: KH Lightsiders + Friends
When: June 2 - June 6
Where: City (patrols), Woods (training area), Lion's Gate, Riku's Apartment, Anywhere else
Summary:  Kingdom Hearts Light Siders meet and prepare for the upcoming confrontation with Master Xehanort, Training montage   sharpening their fighting skills and patrolling the darkness for heartless or  ( Read more... )

replica riku, terra, xion, roxas, riku, aqua, ventus, jinx, sora

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Comments 330

Thursday, June 2 [Meeting day] lockandkeyblade June 3 2011, 00:20:12 UTC
[Open // Post-Meeting] createsoblivion June 3 2011, 11:50:57 UTC
[To say she's not even a little bit shaken would be an awful lie. Rehashing her past just before arriving to the Port, all her information on Master Xehanort, Terra and the horrifying meld of them both. The fear she'd felt when she realized Ventus wasn't himself anymore, that Vanitas had won out in the end... Granted, she'd been the victor there, thought Ventus' heart...

She'd lingered behind the appointed area, unsure if she wanted to return home or go to work or... Ventus was safe at least, as were the rest of the kids. Sora, Roxas, Xion. Riku as well. And she worried for all of them. She wished that her own Master were still in the Port, that he hadn't returned home to his fated death.

So she's leaning against a far wall of one of the meeting rooms, arms crossed just under her chest. Xehanort had to be stopped. He would be stopped.]


[Open // Post-Meeting] madeinoblivion June 4 2011, 23:34:41 UTC
[He hasn't really met Master Aqua properly, in person, until now.

Maybe he hadn't looked up to her on instinct quite as much as he had with Terra, because he hadn't expected so much strength from a girl keybearer, subconsciously.

But after hearing her tell them about Xehanort, about all of what had happened- he'd found his respect for her had grown tremendously.

So he loitered admiringly, until the others had begun their practice, or making quieter plans, and then made his way up to her, reaching out tentatively for her arm.]

Don't worry. Together, we're going to set it all right again.


createsoblivion June 5 2011, 00:54:04 UTC
[It would be a lie to say the ratio didn't favor in male Keybearers, even in her time. But she had always worked just as hard as the boys, something she'd always been a little proud of.

She'd been lost in aimless thought when his hand found her arm. She didn't startle, but it was enough to pull her out of the reverie.]

.. Yeah. We will. [Her smile was warm. He looked much closer to the boy she remembered from the Islands that evening; she was subconsciously relaxing around him for it, too.]


Friday, June 3 lockandkeyblade June 3 2011, 00:20:50 UTC
[Open] lockandkeyblade June 3 2011, 01:30:44 UTC
[Sora sure doesn't look like an early riser, but in actuality, he's perfectly capable of waking up at odd hours. Erratic sleeping schedules come with the job; the Heartless have never been considerate enough to allow a good night's sleep. When shadows are on the prowl, he has to be ready. When duty calls, Sora has to answer.]

[That's why he's easily awake and at the designated area in the woods in the early hours of the morning. With what's coming, they'll all need as much training as they can get.]


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lockandkeyblade June 3 2011, 01:56:36 UTC
[Sora feels Ven coming before he sees him, that same, familiar stirring in his chest. The glider gets an impressed, 'Whoa' out of him. But once Ventus nears, Sora has more important things to ask about.]

Ven. Hey.

How're you holding up?


Saturday, June 4 lockandkeyblade June 3 2011, 00:21:37 UTC
[Open] walkthedawn June 3 2011, 05:18:23 UTC
[He hasn't stopped training, hasn't stopped working since he first heard all of this was going on. It weighs heavy on his heart to know that Terra, his mentor and friend, can possibly be fully controlled. He has one condolence to this: Riku, himself, has been possessed before and he found a way free.

If he could, then so can Terra.

And so he's out in the woods today and practicing his hardest, training himself and schooling his Light and Dark to the standards he'll need to face Master Xehanort. If all else fails, he needs to weaken him enough for Sora to fight him and win.]


[Sora and Riku] I'm all over the place with this log DONT JUDGE ME. /reaches for bff lockandkeyblade June 3 2011, 06:32:47 UTC
[Sora's not far behind today, arriving some twenty minutes after Riku with something loosely slung over his shoulder. He steps up at the edge of the clearing, watching his best friend. Sora's always known how lucky he is to have Riku as a partner. As a fighter, his movements are always purposeful, precise and dangerous. He knows because he's been saved by it too many times to forget.]

[Riku's been driving himself pretty hard lately. A little too hard. Which is precisely why he's brought along the bag and its contents. And in a little bit, maybe he'll convince Riku to take a well deserved break. Even just a few minutes worth. For now...]

Hey Riku!

[Sora's keyblade is already hanging loosely from his fingers, keychain clanking lightly against the metal guard. The bag sits at his feet.]

Looks like you could use somebody at the other end of that keyblade.


/reaches fooooor walkthedawn June 3 2011, 21:18:46 UTC
[It's generally the same routine: agility, stamina, strength, magic. He needs to test them all. He's fought Terra once before and he knows how hard he can hit. He knows the magic he'll use. He also knows "Ansem" well and knows his attacks. He can only guess that it'll be some terrible combination of the two, as Aqua predicted.

He's careful to keep his practicing to a minimum so as not to alert passersby that there are people ripping up the woods. The last thing any of them need is bad publicity. (Especially him.)

Riku lifts his head when he hears Sora's voice, turning to him. He lowers the blade in his hand only slightly. With a nod and a smile, he lifts it up over his shoulder.]

Yeah, probably. No warm-ups?


Sunday, June 5 lockandkeyblade June 3 2011, 00:22:36 UTC
[Open] lockandkeyblade June 3 2011, 02:10:12 UTC
[Even if the stakes are high, and the training is hard, there's a part of Sora that really enjoys it: The rush, the feeling of accomplishment when he learns something new or gets the better of an opponent. It's the part of being a keyblade bearer that he'd really missed in the weeks following his return to Destiny Islands.]

[But more than that, him getting stronger is his chance to really protect the people he cares about. This fight- it's hitting a little close to home. And as he stands in the clearing, swinging his keyblade in a series of undisciplined strikes, he's thinking of Riku and Aqua. Roxas and Ventus... and all of his friends who are really hurting because of what's happening.]

[Sora may not know everything. May not understand just how difficult the battle ahead will be. But he knows he has to get better. He has to be strong enough to help fix this, and make things right.]


[Roxas and Sora] pullsheavendown June 3 2011, 02:22:20 UTC
[Roxas has never trained like this before. Sure, Saix would occasionally assign him 'assessment' days in the castle instead of missions, and there were Terra's wind sprint sessions and the more recent lessons with Aqua, but it was different. He'd had time to be leisurely about improving his skills.

Now he didn't. None of them did. And yet...without knowing when or how they would face Xehanort and force him to relinquish Terra's body, it seemed like time was all they had. But that could change at any time.

With Kahve in the hands of his employees, Roxas made his way to the area they'd designated as their training grounds. Joe might come by soon, or Riku, but if not, he could still get some work done on his own. Practice more of the things Aqua had begun teaching him.

He stopped abruptly when he reached the edge of the clearing and saw Sora. This wasn't the kind of training he wanted.]

Oh. Sorry. I didn't know anyone else was here yet.


lockandkeyblade June 3 2011, 02:41:49 UTC
[Sora turns at sound of someone approaching. WHen he realizes that it's Roxas, he lowers his keyblade. He's not sure what Roxas is apologizing for, but-] Roxas!

Oh ... That's okay.

... Were you gonna train too?


Monday, June 6 lockandkeyblade June 3 2011, 00:29:49 UTC
Xion! mirroredmemory June 6 2011, 00:48:42 UTC
[Everything feels so strange, tense, like the calm before a storm. Xion can feel it, she's worried for her friends and she's worried for everyone else.

She wants to get stronger; she knows that Roxas and Joe have been training hard, and she doesn't want to be a burden to them. She wants to help Ven and Aqua get Terra back. She wants to be as strong as she knows Sora is- after all, if she's his copy, why shouldn't she be?

It's daunting though. The last time she fought anyone...

She puts that thought from her mind as she makes her way out to the woods to train.]


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Re: [Ven and Xion] mirroredmemory June 6 2011, 02:04:29 UTC
Hey Ven.

[She drew closer, noticing that he was flushed and breathing heavily. He was sitting on a log, so she sat beside him, returning his smile with one of her own.]

Have you been out here long?

[He looked tired, not just from exercise.]


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