Beach Games [CLOSED]

Mar 31, 2010 00:22

Who: Solid Snake, Big Boss
When: Late afternoon, after Big Boss is done with Light.
Where: Crow's Head Beach
Summary: Snake ponders over something he shouldn't have read.
Warnings: TBA

whichever stars we walk among, we both seek out the darkest red )

†: solid snake, big boss

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Comments 15

heavendivided April 2 2010, 15:05:04 UTC
He returned to his temporary home in the early evening, weary from the strain and pressure but vigilant and, admittedly, excited about future prospects, though they were depressing all the same. His future here was a dark and bitter one, just like this whole city was, and in his search for a purpose to survive and exist in this place, he had chosen the wrong allies, but there was no turning back now. Unlike two years ago, he couldn't turn his back and walk away from all of it, because there simply was no escape. Well, even then there had been no escape, but now it was all reduced to a much smaller scope; he could only see so far -- never past the shores of this island. Never past the world The Patriots would soon rule over ( ... )


tofaceyesterday April 2 2010, 15:36:08 UTC
The engine's low rumbling was a tip-off. Snake glanced over his shoulder, knowing full well who was there before the urge to look even came to him, and feeling something resembling anxiety twist in his gut upon making eye contact with the newly arrived man.

It was almost funny. Big Boss had no reason to suspect what he had done; he was careful to put everything back in its proper place after reading what he needed to see for his own clarification and curiosity, making sure that the device was in the condition the other man had left it in the day before. There was absolutely no way Big Boss could find out short of checking the recorded surveillance of some hidden camera that didn't exist, and yet, a tiny fragment doubt remained. Snake supposed it was a byproduct of the guilt that went hand-in-hand with it, that threatened to brand him as little more than a hypocrite who couldn't take his own advice --

We need to learn to trust each other.

Ha. From the looks of how everything had progressed up to this point, that was one burned ( ... )


heavendivided April 3 2010, 04:29:26 UTC

He'd said that before he could even think about it; and honestly, what was he even apologizing for? For being early? For being gone for so long? For being noticed at all? Truth was, he'd rather not, he wanted to be left alone, and leave others alone, but he simply -- couldn't. And that usually got him into trouble. And after what he had done today, he really wasn't in the mood for any more interpersonal relationship stuff; he'd also help to get up early tomorrow to have Light with his...

God, he didn't even want to think about that. Kidnapping someone and interrogating them wasn't something he was not accustomed to, but something about the whole thing stank, and after all, it was Light. Often enough he felt like just getting the hell out of his affairs but if he did that, a couple of other people would be in deep trouble, and he'd have to start over, too. It just wasn't possible to get out of that right now. Besides, it was only for as long as they were trapped here ( ... )


tofaceyesterday April 3 2010, 06:24:47 UTC

Just like that, but really, what was he supposed to say? Save some for me? The thing would probably taste terrible anyway, and he wasn't even going to get started on how thin it was now. All skin and bones since the time it had spent on the run, nothing substantial that would last them--

Oh. Right.

"I see." Short and sweet. Green eyes wandered back into the direction of the horizon, searching for any sign of life in the vast blue that seemed to stretch on for miles and miles; if the shell wasn't sitting at the bottom of the ocean, it was probably already on its way out into the unknown. He was wistful (and hopelessly apathetic) enough to the point where such an idea struck him as an afterthought, just like the prospect of freedom. How this had become life with all its trimmings, good and bad, ugly and uglier; how he was essentially a captive not only in the town, but in the tiny little seaside cottage that he called home only in the strictest sense that it was a place with a bed, food, and warmth -- nothing more. There was no ( ... )


heavendivided April 3 2010, 18:07:39 UTC
That was one of those questions he dreaded to answer, though he supposed that Snake was already aware of it. Why did he feel so guilty when faced with that fact? It was his own decision, and neither Snake nor Ocelot nor anyone else had any bearing on that. He supported himself with one hand against the wood of their house, here at the beach, face turned away as he was trying to come up with a suitable answer. He should probably just go inside; because this was really the only thing he could run away from.

There's a bunch of people I took in and I am avoiding them all.

He knew that. But it was for their own good, and someone had to keep Light in check -- He was also the only one who really knew what was going on. Only that truth burdened him more than he wanted to admit. Everything you saw of the kid on the network -- fake. All of it. He had names. He could kill faster than Big Boss could.

(and he had no doubt that if he backed out, people he cared about would die)"--I had a date," he sort of told the truth. How stupid it must seem ( ... )


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