One, two! One, two! And through and through

May 26, 2011 18:42

Who: Ishida Uryuu & OPEN
When: Night
Where: All around Siren's Port
Summary: Star Wars roleplay The Quincy tries a little blind training.
Warnings: None

The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! )

clark kent, ishida uryuu, *open log, wither

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Comments 42

southernreaper May 27 2011, 02:37:30 UTC
[The pressing need had been consuming his thoughts for the last few days. He could normally handle it, but it was just... too much. He missed Keller, Soo and the others - people who could and would distract him from the want and the need.

Tonight, there wasn't any distraction to be had.

He heard the falling of bodies, and dropped the mutate he'd walked up behind and managed to kill before it could attack him. He'd withered its throat through. It wouldn't be getting back up.

Kevin saw the man waiting, blindfolded and scuffed his foot, so he knew that Kevin was there. Kevin had seen people blindfighting before.]


sequincy May 27 2011, 02:48:36 UTC
[he felt him before he heard him - a soul standing out amongst the others in the Dark, if only because this one was whole. Strong. Alive. But the sound of the foot scuffing the dirt - ah. He recognized it as a courtesy. Not someone out to hurt him then.

At least not immediately.

Uryuu tilted his head in the newcomer's direction, looking bored.] Hello?


southernreaper May 27 2011, 02:53:41 UTC
[There's a rustle of clothing as Kevin carefully pulled down his sleeves and put on his gloves once more. He didn't want to run the chance of accidentally hurting the other teenager.]

Beggin' ya pardon. Didn't mean t'interrupt ya, sir.

[Kevin's voice was soft, respectful, and carefully neutral. He didn't recognize the voice from the network. He also kept his distance, both for his own safety, and for the other guy's.]


sequincy May 27 2011, 03:29:59 UTC
You haven't. I'm waiting for another wave. [a pause. He purses his lips, then grudgingly tugs down the blindfold.

Huh. He's never seen this boy before. Up goes an eyebrow.]

I assume you're out here for the same reason? Or do you need an escort out of the Darkness?


isitablurred May 27 2011, 12:57:02 UTC
[It's interesting to watch. Clark can see that the arrows cause damage, but they aren't exactly physical objects. Catching them would be impossible. For someone working from underneath a blindfold, it's really something, though. Talent, just like Oliver's, learned and refined and honest.

Clark doesn't have a reiatsu, but he wouldn't exactly feel human, either. If anything, Ishida might feel a warmth from him, as though he were stood close to a fire on a warm day.

And his voice; he's working on that. It's firm, confident, un-Clark-like.]

They don't seem to be much of a challenge.


sequincy May 29 2011, 03:09:24 UTC
[Uryuu tenses, turning his head slowly in the person's direction. His expression is carefully bland and utterly neutral.

Just in case this is a threat.]

Not yet. If I attract spitters, it could become one. But I've been disappointed so far. [he tilts his head.] And you? Have you found what you're looking for tonight?


isitablurred May 29 2011, 11:41:12 UTC
[Clark doesn't take another step closer, after all he's not sure about those arrows.]

I never find what I'm looking for, since all I'm after is a quiet ride. One night where nobody gets attacked, or eaten. Just one night where I'm not needed. It's fine, I'm used to not getting what I want.

[It's almost a laugh, except there's something sad to it. Life is unfair.]

I can be something more interesting to aim at, if you need the practice.


sequincy June 2 2011, 04:49:47 UTC
- You don't know what you're offering. [harshly, scolding - and surprised. He doesn't know what to make of this man. He wants to write him off as some brash idiot, because that's easiest, fits in nicely with his worldview... but that "I'm not needed" throws a wrench in things.

It makes him sound like he's out to save people.]


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