as much to myself as to you

May 15, 2011 02:25

Who: goesberserk and topslug
When: May 14, afternoon.
Where: Out in the boonies-- that is, somewhere in the farmlands.
Summary: Two friends who haven't seen each other in a while, and an afternoon out.
Warnings: Considering it's these two? Probably nothing worse than Shizuo accidentally breaking things and Yako traumatizing passing wildlife. Might bump up depending ( Read more... )

heiwajima shizuo, yako katsuragi

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Comments 91

goesberserk May 14 2011, 19:03:20 UTC
[It feels odd to come out here on a day when he's supposed to be resting, but Shizuo doesn't mind. He likes it out here, and it'll be nice to spend some time in the countryside without having to worry about work. Plus he's going to be meeting a friend, and it's been some time since he's seen Yako.

He'd heard about that festival, but Shizuo isn't the best in big crowds and he'd already made plans with Yako before hearing about that. Maybe he'll go tomorrow, maybe he won't. It's hard to know how safe he is going to popular places when SERO could be watching him at any moment, but...

He's thinking too much. A cigarette in his mouth and dressed in the same clothing as always, Shizuo approaches the meeting spot, surprised to see that Yako is already there, dressed for the occasion. He jogs toward her.]

Sorry for making you wait.


topslug May 14 2011, 19:17:59 UTC
[ Yako turns when she hears Shizuo's voice, perking up and swinging her legs off the fence-- and then there's a mad scramble to catch the bento boxes before they tumble to the ground by accident. She does an awkward little dance of trying to compensate for the overbalanced boxes before she manages to keep them from flying out all over the grass. Near-disaster over, she lifts her head, grinning at Shizuo sheepishly as she slips her boots on. ]

It's okay. I've never been here before, so I was worried I'd get lost. Look, I brought us stuff to eat later! [ She hefts the bento boxes up to show him, then frowns. ] I forgot to ask what you liked eating, so I hope it's okay.


goesberserk May 15 2011, 21:14:11 UTC
[Shizuo's eyes widen when the girl almost drops all of her things onto the grass and is about to try and help, but she manages to regain hold of everything. He's surprised to hear that she's gone to the effort to bring lunch for them, but he realizes it's probably a good thing. There aren't really any restaurants out here, and usually his employer is kind enough to supply him with meals.]

I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be good. [He's not a picky eater except when it comes to things that are too spicy or bitter.] Glad you found your way okay, too. What did you want to do?


topslug May 15 2011, 22:11:28 UTC
Well, just to look around, mostly! [ She squelches over a damp patch of ground to join him. ] There's a lake here, right? And a park... and if it's okay, I'd like to see where you work!

[ She grins up at him. ] Do you think we'll have time for all of that, though?


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