And they told me we'd never survive

Mar 19, 2011 17:32

Who: Axel, Roxas
When: Forward-dated to Sunday evening, before sirens
Where: A conveniently tall building
Summary: Axel's been let go from Xehanort's stronghold, and Roxas is the first person he seeks out
Warnings: None

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roxas, †: axel

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Comments 9

pullsheavendown March 19 2011, 21:38:32 UTC
[He should get back soon, he knows. Even if he's feeling much more clearheaded now, he'd not back to full strength, and even if he were fine, he really doesn't want to be out after siren. The monsters don't frighten him and he doesn't think Vanitas will come after him any time soon, but still.

But then there's the sound of a corridor opening and a familiar voice. He whips around to face it, eyes wide.]


[And then he's scrambling to his feet without even thinking about it, dashing forward to get to his best friend and throw his arms around his waist. He's never hugged Axel like this, but seeing him alive and unbroken is such a relief that he can't not.]


fireintwilight March 19 2011, 22:15:15 UTC
[He halfway expects it, Roxas throwing himself at his midsection, but even braced for it he can't quite prevent himself from staggering back a step or two. It doesn't speak well for his condition, but it's nothing he can help, and hopefully Roxas won't notice.]

Hey there. [It's spoken casually, once his balance is recovered. He's held Xion like this before, but not Roxas; even so, it feels natural enough, one of his arms coming up around his shoulders, and his chin leaning on the top of his head.]


pullsheavendown March 19 2011, 22:27:25 UTC
[All Roxas can focus on is that he's here. He doesn't care about much else.]

Are you-did I-did they-

[He grimaces in frustration. Days now with thoughts drifting through his mind like a foggy landscape, and now so many are tumbling around that he can't figure out how to arrange them. He takes a breath and tries again, not letting go.]

Are you okay?


fireintwilight March 19 2011, 22:48:59 UTC

[He isn't hurt. Doesn't think he is, anyway. But something is different: it's the weight in his chest, the lightness now. The hollowness. The tiny substantial memory that he felt near Roxas--not just near him, there were others--has gone, he thinks, and the emptiness goes so much deeper than he's remembered for--oh, a long time.]

Are you?


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