Who: Keigo (
asano_san) and Ichigo (
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Keigo's apartment
Summary: Just friends hanging out, acting like normal teenagers for once, which might lead to Ichigo getting a few things off his chest and Keigo being a surprisingly decent listener.
None of us have actually been there. Not like you. )
Comments 3
So when Keigo opened the door, Ichigo met him with a pizza, a six-pack of soda, and a mild grin. Such was his good mood that the grin didn't waver at the very obvious observation. Nor did he follow it up with a sarcastic remark.
"Didn't think I'd flake out on you, did I?" It was jokingly asked, and the grin grew just a little more pronounced. "How can I? You still haven't wiped the floor with me in Dragon Death Punch or whatever it's called."
"You never know!" But Keigo's protest faded into a teasing smile when Ichigo mentioned wiping the floor with him. "At least you know who the video game master is." Ichigo may have spent all his time saving the real world, but he had some skill of his own at saving fictional kingdoms.
Keigo walked towards the living room to turn on the console. If they were going to play a game, there was no point in just standing around. "Do you want me to get some plates or should we just eat out of the box?"
But he didn't say anything more about it as he followed Keigo further into the apartment. It wasn't like he could argue against it anyway. He enjoyed playing the games, and did his best to beat them, but over the last few years, he'd lost the time necessary to devote to them. By no stretch of the imagination could he be considered a gamer.
"If you're worried about Ishida having fit, you should probably get some plates. Otherwise, no matter how careful we are, crumbs will end up all over the floor."
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