Jan 30, 2011 16:22

Who: diadermic AND OPEN
When: Noon, before the sirens go off.
Where: Sector 4 in the streets unless taken somewhere else.
Summary: "My name is Altaïr, and this is my favorite bench in the whole Siren’s Port." MAKE HIS LIFE HELL
Warning: NOPE or not yet anyway OPEN FOR ANYTHING???? oh and possible philosophical stuff lolol.

foreveralone.jpg )

laughing beauty, rochelle, †: alex mercer, †: altaïr ibn-la'ahad, sora

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Comments 29

HELL, YOU SAY? bleedaffected January 30 2011, 05:41:27 UTC
Desmond had been wandering around the streets somewhat in a stupor. Trying to live normally in this town hadn't worked. Locking himself in his apartment hadn't worked. Going out sparingly hadn't worked. No matter how much Lucy tried to convince him that everything was going to be okay, it wasn't, and he knew it wasn't. The paint he'd used to cover the bathroom mirror was slowly consuming other areas of the apartment. Anything that had a reflective surface was painted over. And when he'd finally realized what he was doing, he was left shocked and agitated, knowing full well that paint was just one step away from using blood. He was losing it, and he had to find his own way back to reality.

That was what brought him out to the streets now. He'd avoided the outside world since the encounter with the Darkness and-- that guy. But it was high noon, and he figured there was no better time than that ( ... )


diadermic January 30 2011, 20:46:10 UTC
It was a strange feeling, and Altaïr did not what it was (Confusion, shock, curiosity -- ? He didn't know, and part of him didn't care.) when the man that Altaïr had first encountered in this strange city, among these strange people, decided to sit down beside him. The assassin wouldn't have questioned it, he wouldn't have turned his head such as he was doing at that moment so his gaze was focused on Desmond for a split-second, if it wasn't for the fact that Desmond had openly showed his disdain, his dislike, and his disbelief in being in Altaïr's company ( ... )


bleedaffected January 31 2011, 03:36:39 UTC
Desmond's heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name in Altair's voice. It sent a strange mixture of emotion coursing through him. On the one hand, it was so wrong-- so wrong for Altair to be addressing him directly, as almost-equals, as someone he should even know. On the other hand, it was grounding, and the feeling of inevitability that this was Desmond's reality now solidified just that much more. In that sense, it was sobering. Somewhere, there was still a sane piece of his mind that was telling him that Altair was just a hallucination, that this was nothing, and that he was playing tricks on himself. But the longer he sat there, the less that seemed true. He shifted a bit in his seat, lowering his arms and sitting back against the bench. As he moved, his leg accidentally brushed up against the side of Altair's for the briefest of seconds, and his heart stopped again. It was real. It was all so goddamn real.No, it wasn't. He Lucy would freak out and put him on house arrest if she had any idea what was going through his head ( ... )


diadermic January 31 2011, 05:04:45 UTC
The brushing of material against his own did not seem to faze Altaïr, there was very little that could faze the assassin, but it did not go unnoticed. He glanced down at the small, seemingly insignificant movement. He did not object or approve to it, but only allowed it. He was not petty enough for something as small to affect him on any level. Tilting his head back to the direction of the ground, he only watched Desmond at the corner of his vision, observing the way that he moved, and how the words that came out of the other’s mouth was strained. There was no doubt in Altaïr’s mind that Desmond knew more about him then what was let on. Then again, the assassins worked in the shadows, and despite being as wary as he was to Desmond, he must have had a reason. (Irrationally and selfishly, Altaïr was ready to threaten Desmond into a corner and beat the answers out of him. Anxious men spat out their secrets quicker ( ... )


HELL, YOU SAY? -- VERSION 2.0 deceptive_lulz January 30 2011, 08:14:02 UTC
Sarina had a day off, and considering the events she described a couple of days ago, it was actually a pretty big relief. She needed to alleviate some of the stress that was building up within her. However, she really didn't know what to do when she had free time -- the woman really needed a hobby.

Not really knowing what else to do, she decided to go for a walk. She told herself it was to familiarize herself better with the terrain, because the better one knew their surroundings, the bigger advantage one would have in battle -- if it should ever come to that. It was a habit still etched in her mind from the war-torn world she originally came from.

The truth was that she didn't just go wandering for that reason alone, though. It was also nice to be able to wander around freely -- to almost feel normal. Perhaps it was the more casual mindset that seemingly caused her to somehow miss the fact that there was a really oddly dressed man at the other end of the bench she chose to take a break at -- or maybe she really didn't care ( ... )


diadermic January 30 2011, 21:33:43 UTC
Barely gazing at the stream of people that passed by (What could not be seen could be heard.) his attention was piqued by a rather soft-sounding giggle. It was not a displeasing noise, but it was rather annoying and pointless. It made him jerk his head up the slightest to watch the woman sit down beside him.

It wasn't that Altaïr had any disdain for her (The clothing was odd, but it was not judged upon, her behavior was that of being equally odd, but it was almost intruding, almost.) but when it came to woman, Altaïr almost found himself a bit incapable of knowing any better but to act as one would. He had found himself killing numerous guards for the sake of the safety of a woman that was being hounded by the jackals of cities, but he had always played ignorant to the pleas of beggars that held their hands out for being saved ( ... )


deceptive_lulz January 31 2011, 20:44:02 UTC
Upon his affirmation, she relaxed a little, but not completely (one could never really be at ease around a stranger, after all). However, in spite of her perpetual nervousness, his laconic response didn't seem to deter her away at all. Honestly, with the people she tended to spend her time around, she was pretty used to that kind of interaction.

"Thanks," she murmured out, sparing a quick glance over to him as he inched over.

She then went quiet for a little while, staring at the ground surrounding her feet. As her mind became more and more idle, she felt the laughter rising through her system. In an attempt to try to control it -- for the stranger's sake -- she tightened her lips and sharply turned her head in the opposite direction of the man.

However, Sarina was never able to control her laughter. It first escaped through her nose in a breathy sound, before it eventually became more audible through her lips ( ... )


diadermic February 11 2011, 00:01:10 UTC
A nod in confirmation of his agreement in this odd company, and Altaïr allowed himself to lower his head once again. His fingertips grazing over the material of his robe, and when he heard that soft laughter again, that sound that was a potential threat of distraction, he found himself flexing his fingers. The rest of the noise of people shuffling, their words that were barely audible over the laughter was nothing but background noise ( ... )


SORT OF HELL, YOU SAY? axemeaquestion January 30 2011, 20:08:28 UTC
If Rochelle had to pick between here and home with no in-betweens, she would have had to pick here. For all the shit that happened here, along with AGI and SERO looming over everything she saw, at least it wasn't as bad as constant life-or-death at home. It didn't mean she LIKED it, but she also knew she didn't have much of a choice ( ... )


GDIT diadermic January 30 2011, 22:10:04 UTC
What Altaïr knew of AGI and SERO was near to nothing. They control them. Keep them prisoner. Feed them contentment and make them blind until these newcomers (As mush as Altaïr disliked the phrase when they were more than unwelcomed.) could only depend on those that controlled a city that was corrupted.

It seemed foolish, in all honestly, how Altaïr was not afraid of this city or how it seemed to even control him without him knowing it, and he will do what he can without or with allies. But for the time being as he was sitting on the bench with his line of vision directed at the feet of wandering people that scattered throughout the city --

-- Until an unfamiliar woman had come up to him, inquiring him about a unknown department that revolved around licenses, whatever they may be ( ... )


SRRY axemeaquestion January 30 2011, 23:34:27 UTC
Yes, Altair. Your italized licenses and departments were important and serious business. Rochelle quirked an eyebrow at him, at first trying to hear what he was telling her, and then trying to figure out what to say at that.

"... Guess you wouldn't know, then."


diadermic January 31 2011, 00:11:52 UTC
Perhaps in these modern times, but Altaïr was in a land that seemed to breed chaos. Either way, her own question and the statement afterwards was of no concern to him. Her business was her own business, but this did not dismiss Altaïr’s own curiosity.

"Provide a elaboration, I will do what I can."


?YAS UOY ,LLEH whipfist January 30 2011, 22:02:10 UTC
Another day turned into another night. On the cusp of night anyway, late afternoon when the sun turned red and seemed to bleed out into the sky as it sunk. None too eventful as Alex made a habit of not paying much attention to the network unless he was bored or a post happened to catch his eye, and he walked rather calmly through the street in the direction of the Lux. There was less work for him to do since he'd quit Club 24, taking up bounty hunting on the side yet he could only reign in one or two a month. Hardly enough to keep him occupied, and thus he was more inclined to do things he normally would pass by ( ... )


no get out kid diadermic January 31 2011, 00:09:35 UTC
The sun setting did not go unnoticed by Altaïr, how the ground started to paint in rich colors of gold and red. The information that Altaïr had somehow acquired ( -- The bickering of two civilians, displaying their dislike and hate for the newcomers were one, and yet even though Altaïr was out of the ordinary in appearance, his calmness had him go unseen.) was proved to be useful considering his surroundings, those in which proved to be unnerving on his first arrival was now dulled down to a heavy weight in his gut ( ... )


no whipfist January 31 2011, 03:03:43 UTC
Alex kept his gaze downward, listening to his words and only pausing for a moment after them. Well, he was right, he didn't really have a reason to assume someone could or couldn't handle themselves. Nor was it his responsibility to play security for random people on the street. With a small shrug he replied, "Whatever you say." Turned to leave, but not before adding, "If you're new, watch your back." If this person did happen to be new, he'd probably at least heard of the companies by now.

Not the most informative, but he figured he'd at least make an effort.


yes diadermic January 31 2011, 05:09:33 UTC
Altaïr did not bother to gaze at the other as he turned to leave, and yet what had caught the assassin’s attention were the last words of what Alex had spoken. He rose from the bench and made his way to the other, hand pressing against his shoulder as though to grab his attention. What led him to the action was the way the man spoke, that he may know more of this city than what his fruitless hope of acquiring it from the scattering people that walked the streets with cheerful facades.

Moving himself away from the other, Altaïr only spoke, "What do you speak of?" A potential threat was still a threat, and if Alex was wary enough to warn him, then Altaïr would pursue the issue.


the_bluest_sky January 30 2011, 23:33:14 UTC
damn whippersnappers diadermic January 31 2011, 00:23:31 UTC
Friendly people tended to make the more of an annoyance. So when he was approached by one, Altaïr instantly glanced up before glancing down. It was only then that he spoke as he inhaled, "Do I indicate that I’m not?" Voice low, but not threatening.

Well Sora does have his chance right now.


the_bluest_sky February 1 2011, 00:05:11 UTC

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