
Jan 27, 2011 22:23

Who: Alex & Desmond.
When: Thursday night.
Where: Sector 4.
Summary: Desmond gets caught outside while the sirens go off. Alex runs across him.
Warnings: Violence?!

take what i got to teach everyone to break stuff. )

desmond miles, †: alex mercer

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Comments 18

bleedaffected January 28 2011, 22:11:00 UTC
It wasn't something that had happened on purpose. Lacking a job or anything to really do with his life for the time being, Desmond found that he was slowly falling back into the same old habits he'd had the last time he'd lived on his own. That was to say that his day happened at night and his night was the daytime. At any other point in his life, this hadn't been an issue at all. And so, when he'd traveled out to pick up a few things that his apartment had started to severely lack due to excessive reclusivity on his part, it hadn't even occurred to him that he should have just waited until tomorrow.

Then the sirens had gone off. And Desmond got a very loud, very grim reminder of where he was.

Of course he'd been warned about the sirens, and the Darkness, and all of the terrible things that lurked within it. But none of it had seemed real until this moment, now that he was walking in it. To be fair, he hadn't really seen anything yet that confirmed the truthfulness of the stories he'd been told. It was the feeling. It was the ( ... )


whipfist January 29 2011, 00:41:01 UTC
Alex kept his eyes on the figure, fairly conspicuous in a white hoodie - stood out against the dark swaths everywhere. Couldn't tell if he was a civilian or another Newcomer. He looked fairly normal, something one couldn't say for a good amount of the new arrivals. Came from different time periods, countries, universes even. Yet whoever was walking down there could have walked right out of Manhattan. And maybe he was. From his Manhattan, specifically - there were others here who'd apparently come from New York yet never heard of the outbreak ( ... )


bleedaffected January 29 2011, 06:12:57 UTC
There was something in front of him, just beyond the next building. Waiting for him. Any other person probably wouldn't have seen it looming in the darkness, but when Desmond caught sight of the faintest blur of red, he stopped in his tracks immediately. His chest froze, and every breath became a pained rationing for air in an attempt to prevent any sound from escaping his person. A second passed. And then another. And through all of the blood rushing to his head, Desmond was able to finally discern that this thing was, indeed, waiting for him.

With a flick of his wrist, his hidden blade snapped out and into place. He let out a breath and took a step forward.

The thing lunged from its hiding spot and headed in his direction at full speed-- too fast for him to see who or what the hell it could've possibly been. It was all he could do to roll out of the way at the last second, to dodge in the same direction the thing had come from. Before he even had time to think, or the thing had time to turn around, Desmond was already up on his ( ... )


whipfist January 29 2011, 10:09:24 UTC
It was interesting, seeing how others dealt with these things - Alex was always curious of the inhuman abilities of others, though the man below didn't seem to have much on his side apart from - a knife? It was hard to see, but there was the glint of something metal in a streetlight. And then the stranger was going up, climbing to a roof with relative ease. A quick scan would reveal the man wasn't infected, though must have had some agility skills of his own. Either way, it had Alex's attention ( ... )


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