Who: Grell Sutcliff
deathknellgrell and Ishida Uryuu
sequincy. And maybe Keigo, if he has bad timing!
When: Monday, December 27th
Where: Chez Uryuu
Summary: Trespassing. Dresses.
Warnings: Action tagging!
[ Still restless, ill-at-ease, uncertain, and a little bit sad - Grell has resorted to a favourite pastime: breaking and entering. Without the breaking, that is. Appearing inside a closed, locked room by means unclear is a Death God's specialty.
After getting over the initial disappointment of not finding its owner at home, Grell had been enjoying the refined, pristine minimalism of Uryuu's apartment. This lasted all of 0.01 seconds, swiftly followed by the methodical opening of cupboards and rummaging in closets, until… ]
Good DEATH! What have we here?
[ What we have, dear reader, is Grell's idea of heaven, to wit: a walk-in closet. Full of evening gowns, each more elaborate than the next. Someone is going to be trying every single one of them on! ]