You brought me sun and took away the rain

Dec 10, 2010 23:28

Who: Shihouin Yoruichi and Urahara Kisuke
When: Friday December 10, afternoon
Where: The coffee shop where Yoruichi works
Summary: Kisuke went looking for information. He found something even better!
Warnings: Comedic violence and un-ladylike language

Bonfire, in my woman's eye )

urahara kisuke, shihouin yoruichi

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Comments 30

felinecovertops December 11 2010, 07:07:11 UTC
The lunch crowd was thinning out a bit, though several regulars were still present. Business had been picking up of late, now that the colder weather was starting to set in; people were more likely to stop in for a mug of something hot.

Yoruichi couldn't complain. Even on its worst day, the cafe was never as insane as running the Second Division. It was an easy enough job, if a little boring sometimes.

But not today, it seemed.

Of course she'd heard the door open. The normal, everyday sound of a customer entering. What wasn't normal was the sudden delighted squeal of her name and the sensation of being lifted up and down by her waist.

She instinctively pulled her hand back for a punch, but then blinked. Underneath that silly striped hat was a familiar face. One that completely explained her current situation. Well. Then there was only one thing to do.

She jabbed her fist into his nose. "What the hell, Kisuke?"


so_heretohelp December 11 2010, 07:23:45 UTC

Well, that's not what he meant to say next, but that's how it came out with his face suddenly full of fist. Yep, it was her all right, even though something more than her shorter hair was different.

Quickly letting her down he hid his face in his hands, crouching slightly.

"Yosthichi-smn! Mye noth! It-ll nebah be thh sehme..."


felinecovertops December 11 2010, 07:33:30 UTC
"Your nose is fine. Stop making a scene, dumbass. There are other people here."

She showed no concern over his condition, because indeed she felt none. Especially considering that he wasn't in any kind of condition in the first place; Kisuke didn't whine and moan like this if he was actually hurt. She hadn't even hit him that hard anyway.

A small smile quirked onto her lips, though. Overenthusiastic greeting notwithstanding, it had been a couple of months since she'd seen him. She couldn't exactly say she wasn't happy right now.

"We can't have everyone think I beat up on the patrons, now can we?" She touched him lightly on the shoulder. "Quit being such a baby and come on over to the counter."


so_heretohelp December 11 2010, 07:51:09 UTC
Pulling down his hands he looked at her with feigned indignation past a nose that was indeed perfectly fine.

"A baby, my lady? We haven't been babies for a very long time!"

But like a flash the frown was gone, replaced with a wide smile.

"And no, it wouldn't do for these fine people to think ill of you in the least!" With a flourish he turned and addressed the wide-eyed patrons. "Yoruichi-sama is the very epitome of lady-like behaviour~♥!"


felinecovertops December 11 2010, 08:02:39 UTC
She chuckled. Trust Kisuke to be more put out by being called a baby than by being called a dumbass. If there was ever a doubt that this was him before -- which there wasn't -- there certainly wasn't one now.

How long had he been here, anyway? She hadn't sensed his reiatsu, so it was impossible to tell. If he'd been holing up somewhere for a while and not even trying to get into contact with her . . . Well, there'd be worse than a light fist to the face in his future. But not while she was still at work.

She rolled her eyes, and let out an irritated sigh as he grandly proclaimed her to be the pinnacle of proper behaviour. Idiot. What did he think he was doing? All he'd had to do was keep his mouth shut.

Roughly, she shoved him toward the counter; if his reflexes were still up to par, he might be able to avoid crashing into it as a result. "Just sit down and shut up."


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