Just dance, gonna be okay

Aug 09, 2010 23:39

Who: ofthearcana and zuzukins
When: Monday night, August 9th, just before the sirens
Where: A club. Any will do.
Summary: Minako decides that someone should educate Zuko about the night life. Considering she's never been to a club before, either, this might prove interesting. Once again, Zuko finds himself being dragged off on a date without really thinking about it ( Read more... )

zuko, minako arisato

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Comments 6

ofthearcana August 10 2010, 16:42:25 UTC
She had visited Club Escapade at least once a week back home, even if she had technically not been allowed in until she had befriended Mutatsu. It was a fun place and a lot of people had a great time dancing. There were always new and interesting people to meet there too, from alcoholic monks to fortune tellers. She was sure she could show him how fun it would be to just go out and have fun, even if he seemed a little flustered and unyielding in terms of relaxation.

Minako didn't have many clothes to choose from, so she was glad she had gone out a day before to get some more casual clothes. She kept it simple tonight, khaki pants and a simple top, hair up like usual. The poor kid seemed too flustered just by thinking they were going on a date. And he'd never danced before?

He really needed some help.

She made her way up to the Tower Apartments, waiting outside by the door for him to come down. She was a minute or two early; she could be patient for him.


zuzukins August 11 2010, 13:59:31 UTC
Being a Crown Prince to a nation had its downsides to include complete lack of social interaction with his peers. His mother, a few select servants, his cousin, and eventually the turtleducks were the closest to friends Zuko ever had growing up. His and Azula's relationship began to wear thin at an early age and when he was on the brink of hitting puberty, he was not about to go cartwheeling and tea partying with her and her giggly friends. If there was one thing that trio taught him it was that girls were dangerous, either keeping him at the mercy of their impish whims or ticking time bombs ready to explode in his face at the slightest agitation. Jin and Katara had only driven the point further home when he got older ( ... )


ofthearcana August 11 2010, 17:05:20 UTC
The sound of him nearly falling down the stairs alerted her to his presence, and she glanced up and inside the stairwell, seeing him standing there. She almost spoke up to ask if he was okay, but his quick cover-up only signaled her to be quiet about it. She smiled instead, waving once. "Hi."

So that really was a scar. It looked pretty bad, but it didn't seem fresh or painful. She wouldn't say anything, instead just drawing closer and giving him a warmer smile. "I'm Minako Arisato. I forgot to introduce myself over the NV, and I'm sorry about that. It was probably weird to just have a random stranger ask you out."


zuzukins August 11 2010, 17:43:27 UTC
"Zuko," he said after a moment. "Um, nice to meet you," and he gave her the traditional Fire Nation bow, if a slightly informal version, to be polite since he was aware his usual demeanor came across as less than friendly sometimes. "And... well, it's kinda happened before." Only last time, his uncle had spoken for him before Zuko could make heads or tails of the situation.

His clothes itched for some reason.

Not wanting to come off as a total dweeb, male instinct to come off as at least slightly impressive, Zuko held his hand out toward her. B-because that's what people did on dates, right? Hold hands or something?

And, crap! he had forgotten to bring her a gift. He hoped she didn't mind. Maybe he could make it up to her later?


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