Eleventh [video]

Feb 14, 2011 20:56

[Vanille looks a bit different from her usual chipper self when the NV turns on. A bit flustered and annoyed, actually. As evident from all the movement of the feed, she's pacing back and forth in her room in her apartment, the NV held in her hand.]

I thought this would be a nice holiday, what with all the hearts and the flowers and everything, and celebrating love and things! But actually, it's making people act very strange, I think. It's just that I have to say, I don't think I really appreciate someone's hand being where it shouldn't be when I'm on the subway, thank you very much! And it's really not nice to invite someone to dinner and then run off and leave them with the check. I thought we were having a nice time, but all you had to do was say so if you didn't want to be there anymore.

[Stops walking and sticks her tongue out.] Not that you were my type anyway!

[Vanille paces over to the bed and sits down in a huff. Someone's been hit by a mild dose of pheromones herself, and it's making her rather pink-cheeked and fidgety.]

There certainly are some happy-looking couples about, though. Even if there's lots of things going wrong in this city sometimes, at least people can be happy together. [She sighs.] I hope you're all with someone you care about tonight!

!: oerba dia vanille, c: ahiru, c: kairi, c: raven

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