001 ⚜ Video ⚜ Francis' arrival

Feb 08, 2011 21:07

[Francis arrived late in the evening, during the start of the Darkness. The greeter directed him to the baseball dugout; still dazed and confused, Francis had followed her kind words and stayed there, just as the sirens had gone off. He really didn't pay the sirens any mind, as he sat down to study the strange computer he'd been holding when he ( Read more... )

c: solid snake, c: pino, c: grell sutcliff, c: sunny gurlukovich-emmerich, †: north italy, c: magneto, †: idui, †: seven of nine, c: rochelle, †: germany, c: liquid snake, c: franz d'epinay, !: france, c: nicholas d. wolfwood, †: japan

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[Video] patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 04:07:24 UTC
[ooc: Italic for her French~]

[Sunny knows a little french, she's been studying it in school. So she turns on the video function of her Hello Kitty NV and smiles.]

Yes sir, t-there are plenty of p-people out here.

[She figures that maybe a familiar language will comfort him. But she doesn't know enough yet. She has a lot of other work for school to study after all.]

Maybe not Matthieu, but there are a l-lot of us here. My n-name is Sunny. Did you g-get in the dugouts o-okay? Those m-monsters can be r-really bad.


patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 21:09:59 UTC
Yeah, we're safe. We l-live in Sector four, if y-you're ever around here. [He'd be more than welcome to!]

It'd be really neat if we live in the s-same world! I don't have any friends really there, except m-my teddy bears. [They can both make the most of it here though.]

[It's a plenty good answer for Sunny. She was still a Patriot 'prisoner' then.] Peace is r-really important but it's h-hard to keep it.

It's n-nice to meet you Francis, my name is Sunny. Sunny Gurlukovich-Emmerich.

[Sunny it quiet for a moment as she thinks her words over. She's not sure if she should mention Philanthropy or not but she can pass over it.] It's 2014 back h-home, and most of the w-world is falling into chaos because of the War Economy. You c-can't go many places without f-finding soldiers fighting and they're all equipped with n-nanomachines to regulate and enhance abilities.

We're trying to m-make the world better.


paysdelamour February 9 2011, 21:24:27 UTC
Sector four...? Pardonnez-moi, I don't know where that is. I'm not even sure where I am. [He'll totes have to then <3 But I'm sure Minako will not appreciate that.]

Ah, pauvre petite. You don't have anyone your age to play with? [Poor child. She needs playmates. :<]

[He nods at her next statement, about peace.] Oui. I know that more than most people can claim to.

Ah la la, you are from the future then. [He frowns at the mention of the world falling into chaos - so this depression they're in, it's not going to get any better? But Germany's economy was so strong, and he was working as hard as he could to get the French economy back on track.] Soldiers with nanomachines... your world must be a very scary place sometimes. It's good of you to try to make the world better.


patriotsprodigy February 9 2011, 21:50:06 UTC
[Looking at a map of Siren's Port quickly before laughing softly.] Oh, the b-baseball diamond is in Sector four. I forgot. [Who knows, but Sunny is good at relating to adults so she'll hang around him anyway.]

Nuh-uh. We don't l-land the Nomad often and I s-spend a lot of time on the computer looking up information about m-my family usually, anyway. [Teddy bears don't count then? She has Hope here in Canada though =D]

[Sunny pouts a little. She heard that.] What's wrong?

Yeah, it's f-funny to think about sometimes. [Hopefully, that won't happen to his world. She wouldn't want both their worlds plagued by the Patriots and Metal Gears.]

It can't b-be, yeah.


paysdelamour February 9 2011, 22:37:12 UTC
Ah, so I'm close to where you are, non? I'll try to find you in the morning... [That is, if she's still up. France has such a papa complex omg he would love that]

Oh, that's a shame... but you have your family, oui? [Teddy bears totally count. :3]

Non, non, it is nothing, ma chérie. Never mind.

[But he tries to lighten the mood a little with a laugh.] Or perhaps I am from the past! [It better not, or France is going to have to go Cécile on someone's ass. :|] Well, your uncle-- Hal, was it?-- will keep you safe, oui?


patriotsprodigy February 10 2011, 01:15:54 UTC
Yep! I'll look forward to it, I can say hi before I g-go to school. [Sunny is to much like Otacon: late nights, early mornings. So would Sunny! Yay~]

Yeah I do, they're g-great. [Oh good!]

Are y-you sure?

[That makes Sunny laugh with him.] It hard to tell here, huh? [Hell Heck yes! Sunny would let him borrow the Mark III for that.]

Yeah, he takes g-good care of me. And I take c-care of him.


paysdelamour February 10 2011, 01:56:05 UTC
Ah la la, there are schools even in this place? [Baww <3 But she needs to get enough sleep to grow, she's still a growing girl :<]

Oh, merveilleux. [He smiles fondly at her. Because if they weren't great France would probably kill them and keep Sunny for himself. :|]

Oui, ma belle Sunny, I'm sure.

It's very hard to tell. Let's just agree that I'm from the past and you're from the future, oui? [Even if he dressed like her? /shot]

That's very good to hear, ma chère. Mais, is he here, in this place too?


patriotsprodigy February 10 2011, 02:19:37 UTC
Yeah, colleges t-too. I'm in m-middle school right n-now. [She does... Barely.]

[It would take a lot to get through Snake though. But hey, France wouldn't complain about her cooking, would he?]

O-okay then, if you say s-so.

Yeah, that w-works! [Even then!]

Not a-anymore. While I was gone, h-he got sent home t-too. The Core might bring him b-back someday though, he might n-not remember being here though.


paysdelamour February 10 2011, 02:38:44 UTC
Middle school? [He's only really familiar with French schooling methods, so he doesn't know quite where she is, but he tries to smile.] Very good. Be sure to keep up with your schoolwork, oui, Sunny? [Though he wonders how exactly she was taught on a plane.]

[Pfff are you kidding, he'd take over the cooking and teach her so many more techniques until she was a master chef herself.]

I do say so, petite amie. [His words have just a bit of finality to them. He doesn't want to explain to a little girl his *~SECRET IDENTITY~* and confuse her.]

... sent home...? You mean, the Core... put him back in your world, oui? [It's sad she doesn't have her uncle :< But at least she has Solid - not that he's connected the two of them yet.] I hope you get reunited with him - preferably returning to your world.

[The monsters start up again but he tries his best to ignore them.]


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