045. Video

Jan 24, 2011 19:07

As many of you know I attend an affiliated university; Hawthorne. My reasons for doing so are quite simple: Hawthorne offers far better education in the field in which I wish to study, and can guarantee that I have job opportunities open to me when I finish in a few months time.

What I'd like to know is what the rest of you feel about affiliation, ( Read more... )

c: the joker, c: sam merlotte, c: urahara kisuke, c: nara shikamaru, c: isamu, †: seth nightroad, †: dr. kirk langstrom, †: yagami raito, c: re-l mayer

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Comments 574

voice; proxysearch January 24 2011, 18:39:37 UTC
It's not simply the "turn offs" of the companies but the principle behind the thing. On top of that, some people simply prefer to remain neutral. Becoming affiliated just means having to show loyalty towards one company over another.


voice; killswithapen January 24 2011, 18:51:19 UTC
Do you not find it at all dangerous? Neutrality doesn't offer any protection the way that both sides try to, and we newcomers are particularly at risk because most of us come from places where there's no kind of adversary like this. There's a great deal of pride involved.


voice; proxysearch January 24 2011, 18:56:04 UTC
At the risk of sounding like a martyr, if the companies were going to target me for any reason, then they would be doing it because I would be trying to expose them for something. Frankly, I'd prefer to be a target than a servant or a sheep.

Besides that, I can take care of myself just fine without their help.


voice; killswithapen January 24 2011, 18:59:20 UTC
You do sound like you're setting yourself up for a fall, yes, but I envy you that feeling. As a police officer, your neutrality is a lot more important than anyone else's. You have to fight hard, but the ability to treat other people equally is your reward. But not everyone has the confidence and knowledge to look after themselves the way you do, even some of your fellow police officers.


[video] heartdissonance January 24 2011, 19:10:03 UTC
I have not affiliated because I am an observer first and foremost. It's got nothing to do with my morals or lack thereof.


[video] killswithapen January 24 2011, 19:16:28 UTC
You can't observe for the side you like best?


[video] heartdissonance January 24 2011, 19:20:30 UTC
No, it doesn't work that way. I can only instigate for the side I like best and then observe the effects.

It causes job opportunities to be lacking - but of course that isn't a concern of mine.


[video] killswithapen January 24 2011, 21:43:41 UTC
And which side do you like best?


he_is_wild January 24 2011, 20:00:54 UTC
You're asking us to choose between arsenic and strychnine.


killswithapen January 24 2011, 20:05:14 UTC
Not quite. It's more like asking you to choose between opium and ketamine. Dangerous in powerful doses, but useful in their own ways, and sometimes even good for you. Pick your poison.


he_is_wild January 24 2011, 20:11:14 UTC
And why are you so interested? What does ketamine do for Kira?


killswithapen January 24 2011, 20:19:23 UTC
What would a genius want with an exceptional education, right? I should settle for something more mediocre just to make a handful of dissidents happy?


video; holeheart January 24 2011, 20:32:37 UTC
Heh. Aren't you just a boyscout? What, do the companies give you points to spend at their little prize shops for every person you recruit?


video; killswithapen January 24 2011, 21:50:45 UTC
I'm asking a simple question, that's all. Do you ask questions because you're afraid to share your opinions?


video; holeheart January 24 2011, 21:54:06 UTC
Hell no! You want my opinion? I'll serve it up to ya, nice and hot!

Anyone who teams up with one of those companies for protection is weak and deserves ta be jerked around like the puppet they'll become! I'm no one's pet.


video; killswithapen January 24 2011, 21:55:52 UTC
And if the companies instead offer you a position of power you never would have had otherwise? You don't have to be anyone's pet. Do you really think I'd suggest it if that was all the reward that might come of it?


voice; tiersdes January 24 2011, 21:10:35 UTC
That's a rather forward question, don't you think?


voice; killswithapen January 24 2011, 21:54:15 UTC
I suppose so, if you think of your affiliation as something you have to hide. The people in this city get through perfectly fine without taking it as personally as we newcomers do--for example there's areas of the city that are AGI and SERO only, where the people who live and work there are acknowledged by the affiliations they bear. Why should we fear that?


voice; tiersdes January 24 2011, 22:22:42 UTC
[A chuckle. She can tell this one is very intelligent---charismatic, even. But still. She can't help but think there's something lurking underneath the surface. It took too much gall to be asking outright about such confidential matters.]

You bring up valid points. They are inevitably a part of this city, and are here to stay whether any of us---newcomer or no---like it or not.

Still, to pose such an inquiry endangers not only those who seek to perhaps end the companies' corruption, but also those who wish to keep their affiliations secret. It may even be the companies' policy to uphold the utmost confidentiality, after all.


voice; killswithapen January 24 2011, 22:44:15 UTC
It endangers me just as much; I'm as good as announcing my own position to everyone here, no matter their own feelings on the matter. Some will see it as a suggestion that I condone slavery, which I do not.

Everyone has every right not to speak to me if they wish to.


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