[The camera is propped up and facing a young man tied up in a chair with a gag in his mouth. He is wearing the uniform of a police officer and seems barely conscious. After a few long moments a hand wrapped in a claret velvet glove reaches into view and pats his cheek roughly waking him up. He looks around groggily as the hand removes the gag, then he looks at the camera and leans forward, speaking nervously. It is obvious that he is being fed his words.
"Dear men and women of the SPPD, the time has come for a new regime. Every native officer is to step down from his post. Any who refuse will be killed forthwith."
He looks up at his captor. The hand gently strokes his hair and a figure circles around him to lean over his shoulder, revealing the fedora shadowing the unmistakable features of the Joker who smiles a predatory smile.]
So, you heard Sammy-boy here!
[The police officer visibly sags and mutters "It's 'Eric'". Joker grimaces and rolls his eyes towards the side of his captive's face.]
I don't think so. How would I mistake "Sammy" for "Eric"? They don't share that many letters. Are you just trying to be difficult?
[He looks back at the camera]
Never mind. Anyhoo, here's the first act of my new performance piece which I call "Cleaning the Thin Blue Line". Nobody else is doing anything about all the crooked cops in this cockamamie city! So I figured I'd be a decent chap and get the job started for all of you. Out with the old, in with the new, that's what I say. Frankie agrees with me, right, Frankie?
[Eric wilts]
And just so it's abundantly clear that I'm not joking...
[He pulls a razor out from his sleeve and, in one quick motion, slices open Eric's throat. The policeman's eyes roll back as Joker tips the chair over and there's a thud followed by the sound of cackling, ravenous hyenas. Joker watches this with vague interest before looking back at the camera]
Harsh? Maybe. But you'll see, much good will come of this! You'll name a holiday after me!