news feed; sunday, december 19, 2010

Dec 19, 2010 04:40

Sunday; December 19, 2010


Temperatures remain chilly throughout the day, with high winds off and on throughout the afternoon and evening. Darkness will bring with it light scatterings of showers and hail. High of 4°C and a low of 0°C (39°F/32°F).

Current Moon Phase: Full Moon

Morning sirens will go off at 8:10 am, and evening sirens will go off at 4:10 pm.

Eviction Notices


Bizarre Series Of Events Causes Christmas Wish To Come True

The article for today is describing an accident that occurred yesterday afternoon in Sector 9. The reporter does a quick summary of the events that transpired. Yesterday afternoon, shortly after school let out for the day, an NV contacted 911. The caller was a boy, aged 12, Brendan (real name witheld), who tearfully reported that he was stuck in a chimney at an abandoned home in the sector. He had managed to squirm one arm free in order to call for help, and the 911 operator remained on the line to keep Brendan calm while help arrived. Through talking to the boy, the operator learned that Brendan, a rather stout boy, had climbed onto the roof of the house, which had a chimney very similar to his own, and attempted to enter the chimney as a sort of "test run" for an attempt he planned to make to come down the chimney of his own home on Christmas morning. Brendan told the 911 operator that his younger brother, aged 7, had heard from many of the other children at his school that Santa doesn't exist. Brendan had decided to impersonate Santa in order to give his little brother proof that the mythical figure exists, even for one more year.

Brendan, however, had not counted on the Darkness-proofing involved in chimneys, nor that he was simply too large to fit down a narrow chimney entrance. Brendan was trapped in the chimney for three hours before a rescue team, and eventually a small construction crane were used to remove him.

The story ends on a happy note, though - an anonymous wealthy benefactor has donated funds for the family to purchase Christmas presents, and has recruited an also-anonymous person with a phasing ability, big heart, and even bigger Christmas spirit to come down the family's chimney on Christmas morning. Brendan told reporters that he was very grateful to the anonymous benefactor for helping his little brother to believe in Santa and hopes that no one will spoil this for him.

Rumors are circulating, finishes the article, that the benefactor may be Italy "Tully" deDrago of AGI, who has stated in various interviews that he loves Christmas and family.

Classified Ads

Female Security Guards Needed! A new all-female security company is looking for female recruits. We have many prospects lined up for venues, individual positions both temporary and permanent, and many events. We need female staff who are strong and have something to offer. If you're just looking to prove a point, please do not apply. Applications can be sent to Valkyrie Security via NV.

Scouts Canada in Siren's Port A new chapter of Scouts Canada will be opening up in the new year. Featuring Scouts operations for all age levels (Beaver, Cub, Scouts, Venturer, Rover, and optional MedVents), Scouts Canada is a positive organization focusing on instilling qualities of good citizenship, leadership, and self-sufficiency in boys and girls from ages 5 to 26. Apply now for enrollment or as a Scout Leader! All programs are co-ed.

[ooc: Scouts Canada Wiki Link in case anyone is interested!]


These horoscopes were written up for the week to come, provided by Madame Jurie. They are generally considered to be quite accurate! They may be a good thing to keep in mind for the week to come.

March 21 - April 19
Now is an excellent time to put all that fiery energy into giving back equal to what you receive. A lot of people have put out for you, and now it's time to repay that kindness. It won't be as difficult as you think, I promise!

April 20 - May 20
Don't forget, especially this week, that receiving and giving don't always have to refer to material possessions. You're very rooted in the physical, but don't forget that the abstract has its value as well, if you're only paying attention.

May 21 - June 20
You might be having a hard time making a few decisions about where you want to go this holiday season - whether physically regarding where and with whom you want to spend the season, or mentally and emotionally. Follow your gut instinct, you know more about what it is you truly want than you might think.

June 21 - July 22
You're getting too lost in others, try to take some time for yourself. You've been running yourself ragged trying to make this time of year perfect for your family and friends - take a break and give back to yourself.

July 23 - August 22
It cannot be stressed to you enough, Leo - it isn't always about you! Try not to focus so much on strategic giving geared only towards what you'll get in return. This is a time for outward energy, and you have a lot. Use it for good.

August 23 - September 22
Don't get too caught up in the details. There are a lot of things to think about, and plans to make and carry out, but you may need to take your time. Stop and think. Feel. You can do it.

September 23 - October 23
You vacillate and flutter back and forth, you have a hard time sticking to a budget, and you have a taste for the finer things in life - these things can come together to make for a very indecisive and stressful holiday season. Relax. Employ your insight and everything will go well.

October 24 - November 21
Try to open yourself up a little to those around you. If you close yourself off, no matter how much you give to others, you'll never get what you want or need. Allow yourself to be more transparent so that others can understand you. Depth has its place.

November 22 - December 21
You've been running yourself ragged lately trying to pick up the pieces for others, and focusing all of your attention outward. While this is always a good thing, and your joie de vivre really fits the season, just don't forget that you deserve something in return.

December 22 - January 19
You aren't making things better, no matter what you think. While planning is your forte, you do have a bit of a tendency to micromanage. Efficiency isn't always the best option when it comes to emotional times of the year, and this is something you need to keep in mind this week.

January 20 - February 18
Peace on earth, and goodwill to men! This is your motto for the season, and it's definitely a good one. Just don't lose track of your own personal, close circle of friends and family in favour of the wide world. Those close to you are the reason for the season, aren't they?

February 19 - March 20
You've been distracted lately, and you've had a rough go of the past couple of weeks. Don't get lost so far inside yourself that you lose track of the real things you have to do. It might be difficult, but you do have the internal strength to follow through and love those around you.

[OOC Note: The horoscopes are considered by most in the City to be very accurate, since a lady with an ability for this sort of thing provides them. Use them as you will - accurate or not.]

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