VOICE/VIDEO ❐Judge, O you gods, how dearly Caesar lov'd him! This was the most unkindest cut of all.

Oct 07, 2010 17:01

(Forward dated to onset of Darkness-)

[Just after the sirens had gone off, no more than a hour had passed when the feed clicks on, catching the angry growl not of monsters, nor of angels, but Remnants.]

{"Find him." Kadaj snarls, edge to his tone, always on edge always pushed. His voice is faint, away from the NV. "It's been too long-" }
[Yazoo does not silence his brother, instead just speaks over him. underlying tones of urgency in his voice.]   Loz, your location-

{Interrupting, voice closer now and furious: "I'll make him pay for this-"}

Immediately. Do not delay brother-

{"You're taking too long!"}

[The NV crackles as it hits first the back of a pew, then the floor of the cathedral, buttons mashed and turning on the video. The camera is at a awkward angle, unfocused with the flurry of Jonova's followers moving to get out of the way at Yazoo's snapped order of "Out!"

When it focuses, the sight is not pretty.]

[The video does not capture the scene fully, but it is easy enough to tell Kadaj has Yazoo shoved up against the wall. But perhaps not the fact that one hand is around the pauldron straps that cross in front of the other Remnant's chest and the other at his neck, pressed hard, driving the zipper at his throat. Remnants may not need to breath, but they know pain as much as any other does. Kadaj can cause it all too well.]

Liar. [Kadaj's voice, murderous, fervent and there is something about it not quite right, a little more unhinged than usual.] You lied to me, you said that he wouldn't-

[Yazoo's words, used to placate and calm his brother at the time were coming back to bite him.] Kadaj...

[A angry noise of rage, not letting the other get a word in. A loud crack of Yazoo's head hitting the wall, (Hard enough to break the structure, likely.) before Kadaj tosses him contemptuously aside, strength much more than most would guess of his small size. Too many people too soon, now one of their own. Kadaj doesn't even consider that Yazoo feels the same emptiness and sense of need that he himself does; He never really has all along. The youngest is pacing, Yazoo picks himself up off the ground, but no sooner than when he moves to retrieve the NV is Kadaj on him again.]

You're not... You are my brothers. [Accusing, perhaps tinged with the need to be validated.] You're mine, Mother gave you both to me. Not Sephiroth, not anyone else. You won't pick them over me.

[He has a weapon in his hand as silver and leather fill the screen. It's hard to tell which Remnant that it comes from, but a pained noise no short of a gasp catches the NV before the feed breaks.]
(ooc: Replies will be icly delayed as Kadaj takes out his aggression on Yazoo.)

c: liquid snake, c: riku, !: yazoo, c: miles edgeworth, !: kadaj

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