001 ☠Video☠

Jun 30, 2010 15:46

((ooc edit note: Will be slow in tagging until the notifs come back. Sorry guys! >_<))

[The flickering of video footage comes to life over the communication network, however, it appears to be all black. The glowing of a deep fuschia eye is what will possibly grasp your attention first. Too large to belong to a human and it seems to be floating above someone. It is night time after all so it wouldn't be surprising if you think this to be some kind of fiend from the darkness. Though the contractor of that devilishly haunting fiend has yet to learn of the darkness and all its troubles.]

Oya, oya, Emily~♪ we still seem to be being followed by that mangy thing don't we? ...

[The footage will flicker from pure black back to its footage, as if something was covering the camera, like the way your eyes blink. That monster of an eye has faded away into nothing now and between the footage cutting out, the male who was talking is heard to be coughing in that blackness.]

If the damn thing would stop vanishing we could take care~ of it, couldn't we, Emily~♪ Oh look and now we seem to have attracted the attention of man. Hmm ...

[The camera blinks again and turns from looking at the shadow of a man in the distance, hobbling and grunting, something clearly not normal about him, back to Break standing there surrounded by shadows.]

I say~ he doesn't look well at all now does he, Emily~♪ ... lets avoid him for now, hmm? Oof~!

[The camera looks as though its just done a barrel roll, showing the image of Break on his hands and knees coughing, spluttering and that shadow like form of what can only be described as a large hairless feline looming closer over him.]

c: izaya orihara, c: vincent nightray, †: oz vessalius, c: gilbert nightray, c: ishida uryuu, !: xerxes break, c: daedalus yumeno

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