four! | o8 Video

Nov 22, 2011 21:57

[ A sector nine apartment. The wallpaper is peeling in a few places, but the surfaces are free from clutter except for a kettle set to one side, spouting steam. Claire ducks into view, checking the shot is lining up. ]

It’s running. Oh, I mean, action! [ He seems to be running on an even higher octane fuel than usual. It’s not hard to discern why ( Read more... )

c: cassandra cain, !: chane laforet, c: tim drake, c: tonegawa yukio, c: yako katsuragi, c: tyrell, c: daedalus yumeno, !: claire stanfield, c: firo prochainezo

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Comments 80

[Video] gaveherwings November 22 2011, 22:11:59 UTC
Ah- [A small, and slightly charmed smile.] Congratulations, the two of you?

While I'm not sure who might volunteer to teach that sort of thing, but if we found someone willing, the NPP would be perfectly happy to arrange for the space to do so.


video & text; stoicloyalty November 22 2011, 22:47:21 UTC
[ Although it's nothing of a new or official change in their relationship, it seems like it appeared as one, and Chane's blush is firing up again at the re-acknowledgement. That is what prompts her to nod slightly in acceptance rather than correct Daedalus.

She re-opens her notebook to connect it to the network, and her answer, after the feed shows her writing in it, comes in directly from her NV to his. ]

Do you feel it would be easier to find a specific tutor myself or to make a direct request to the NPP?


Video vinovidivici November 22 2011, 22:55:30 UTC
[ Beaming just about wide enough to split his face, over the top of Chane's quiet acceptance. ] Thanks, Doc! You're're the first to say that! But it's not official so I guess that doesn't count - well, I appreciate it, anyway!

Town this size there's gotta be somebody out there, right?


video & text; gaveherwings November 23 2011, 00:12:44 UTC
I'll bring it up to Professor Von Karma- she works at SPU, and she may know? Or to Professor Kuchiki's attention- he may have some contacts in the Language Department at Hawthorne.


[Video] immortale November 22 2011, 22:30:32 UTC
[Wait. He recognizes that girl from the boarding house. Firo's putting two and two together, and...]

That's your girl? [The words are said with obvious surprise, which shows in his face as well. All this time, he was living in the same house as Claire's fiancée(?) and hadn't even realized...

...Well. At least he's sure she exists now.]


Video vinovidivici November 22 2011, 22:45:13 UTC
What’re you sayin’ it in that tone of voice for, huh? [ He knows Firo well enough to figure there's no malice behind what he says but - wow. At least he's still too cheerful for the glare he shoots at the camera to be at all serious. ] Some potential best man you’re turnin' out to be.


video; stoicloyalty November 22 2011, 22:50:24 UTC
[ his girl

his girl

Embarassment and confusion overwhelms her momentary curiosity at that familiar voice (surely, she's heard it around the boarding-house before?) and, with a sharp look cast at Firo, Chane stands, leaving the scope of the camera-feed to... get some air. Oh, embarassing. ]


[video] immortale November 23 2011, 01:47:47 UTC
[There's a bit of a flush showing on Firo's cheeks when he replies; between their responses and Claire's jab at being the potential best man at the wedding, he's embarrassed, and sure that came out a lot more rude than he'd meant it. He knows he's not the most genteel guy, but what a (first?) impression to give Claire's lady...]

Ah- No; I just meant... [He's really doing so well at clearing it up so far.] I hadn't expected her to be someone I'd seen before, let alone...

[After he trails off, there's a distinct pause before he speaks again.]

...It's 'Chane', right? [He's sure that's what Claire had called her before, when she'd gone missing.]


[video] 12second_orz November 22 2011, 22:57:54 UTC
[Well. That was unexpected- also unexpectedly hilarious, as far as he's concerned.]

My, my. I'm not sure whether or not I should be offended that you didn't mention this at all, Laforet-kun. [he's just being a jerk- he knows full well that most of their daily conversation is professional anyway] I'd never have guessed.


video & text; stoicloyalty November 22 2011, 23:23:54 UTC
[ She doesn't have to make a forced effort to keep her personal and working lives separate, mainly because she is so loathe to disclose personal information straight off the bat. So this brief merging of worlds is, for a moment, unpleasant. It shows in her sudden change in expression to a hardened stare, lips a thin line in the effort to contain her unrest at seesawing between emotions. Her reply is directly from her NV to his, written. ]

What does it matter?


[video forever and ever] 12second_orz November 22 2011, 23:43:06 UTC
[And that was a surprisingly defensive reaction, all things considered. Tonegawa raises an eyebrow just for a moment before giving a cool little shrug and curbing a little of his teasing.] It doesn't, particularly. To my knowledge, I've never had any engagement-related work problems with any of my employees.


video & text; stoicloyalty November 23 2011, 00:14:15 UTC
[ Her comfort zone is relative to how much he knows about her. For him to see that moment-- a moment that was surprising to her-- she doesn't like it. Not since that accidental telepathic exchange. There's a fear, somewhere, that he might use this knowledge against her, but- ]

We have been close all this time I was working. This shouldn't change how I work.

[ She seems to relax slightly with this response as she becomes aware of how hostile her first reaction was. But this is still her employer she is talking to, not a friend. ]


[video] theshortestbird November 23 2011, 01:11:58 UTC
I know American Sign Language. We learned it in school, it's pretty cool, and really helpful.


Video vinovidivici November 23 2011, 18:18:33 UTC
[ He whistles happily and leans in to the NV, giving the impression that if this had been in-person he'd be grabbing your hand right now. ] No kidding! What's your name, fella?


video; stoicloyalty November 23 2011, 20:10:24 UTC
[ Chane seems to lighten up at this piece of news, sitting closer after Claire's reply, although her expression is delicately balanced between wanting to know more and simple surprise- she didn't know they taught it at school. She could have learned. ]


video; theshortestbird November 26 2011, 06:37:48 UTC
[Smiles.] I'm Tim. Tim Drake.

[He's good at reading people; not as good as Cass, but close enough. He smiles at Chane as well.] The basics are really easy, and people tend to make it their own after they've learned.


video; bodyreads November 23 2011, 01:29:00 UTC
[She looks at Chane curiously, mostly because she can read exactly how she's feeling the whole time Claire is talking.]

I body language.

[She knows it's not the same, but--]

But it would be good to learn sign language.


video & text; stoicloyalty November 23 2011, 20:19:30 UTC
[ And that is unexpected. But rather than be struck by a similar self-consciousness that comes with knowing the NV camera is recording her, Chane finds herself wanting to... reach out, a little, to this person. Eyes locking with Cass's, she sits up a bit straighter and lets her gaze wander to measure Claire's reaction a moment before she re-opens her notebook. It's a thoughtful moment, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear before she is able to write down what she wants to ask. ]

Natural ability? Or did you learn?


Action/Video vinovidivici November 24 2011, 00:04:45 UTC
[ He hangs back a little, shooting her a grin and a lift of his eyebrows. ] You take this one? [ He's intrigued. And he'd probably be too "loud". ]


video; bodyreads November 25 2011, 06:45:47 UTC
[She watches both of them, Chane and Claire, and takes a long while before she's ready to respond. Her eyes linger over the words before she looks back at Chane, looking right into her eyes.]

Learned from birth.


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