001 \\ video

Nov 04, 2011 23:39

[The video comes to life and Balthazar is sprawled out in a plush velvet red chair. His arms are draped on the rests and his legs are spread rather luxuriously. In the one hand, there is a flute of champagne.]

Someone’s seen fit to give me a second vacation. Not bad timing, the first one was starting to go to hell.

[He takes a long sip of his ( Read more... )

c: sam winchester, c: sam merlotte, c: anna, c: magneto, c: chuck shurley, !: balthazar, c: clover, c: elaine belloc, c: castiel, c: crowley, c: white rabbit

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Comments 114

video; paterelohim November 5 2011, 03:44:16 UTC
[Blink. Blink blink.]

No... that's not possible. Aren't- aren't you dead?

[The question is actually pretty honest. As far as He knows, Balthazar the great soldier and loyal one is dead on the battlefield. Chuck half hopes it's true, because this creature... this can't be him. It can't. Please.]


video; menageablank November 5 2011, 03:53:37 UTC
[Balthazar tilts his head, mildly surprised.]

Ah, you're the prophet, aren't you?

[He raises his hands in an absolutely smarmy sort of shrug.]

I thought of all people that you would know. My death... [He makes a "Whoops" face.] was maybe blown a bit out of proportion.


video; paterelohim November 5 2011, 04:05:17 UTC
[Almost at a whisper:] No.

No, you're not the guy I saw. [He just looks confused, a little appalled.] Balthazar was an angel, a real one. How?


private| video; makes_asteroids November 5 2011, 05:00:43 UTC
[In his living room, holding up two old fashion glasses and a bottle of whiskey in the other.]


video. killingame November 5 2011, 03:49:27 UTC
[ in comparison, rabbit's holding a cup of tea, long ears flattened back and brows arched. ]

That's certainly an unusual initial priority.


video. If this is too leaning on the fourth wall, let me know and I'll change. <3 menageablank November 5 2011, 03:59:17 UTC

Well what's the point if you're not willing to have a bit of fun while tumbling down the rabbit hole?


video. oh no, totally fine! it's part of his canon that he knows he's fictional. u_u killingame November 5 2011, 04:04:49 UTC
[ flattest glance. one of these days he's going to hide his ears. ]

Before we go any further, I shall have you know that this place is nothing like Wonderland. .. With that said, generally people have a bit of a panic when they first arrive, though I suppose this is an interesting change.


video. Rock. :D menageablank November 5 2011, 04:19:25 UTC
It'll take a lot more than a Canadian alternate reality to get under my skin.


[Video // Private // Unhackable] kissesdarling November 5 2011, 04:02:07 UTC
[Crowley loves a good banter. And he enjoys a thrilling bitchfight with a stupid angel.

But Balthazar is dead. For real, this time. At Castiel's hand.

Though from the look of him, Balthazar doesn't seem all that bothered. Perhaps it's too early for him to know that quite yet.

So have a Crowley that is unusually serious, speaking in his own quiet way, but all demon. Captivating, in his own unique way, to everyone that isn't a self-absorbed twat of an angel.

Meet the ruler of Hell, Balthazar.]

Castiel, as he is in this city, hasn't yet stopped the Apocalypse.

I suggest you keep it that way.


[Video // Private // Unhackable] menageablank November 5 2011, 04:28:38 UTC
[Oh, now this a demon that Balthazar had been itching to meet. This is the one who tempted Castiel and succeeded where even Lucifer failed.]

Crowley. It's about time.

[Balthazar, without even trying, loses some of his hedonistic flair. It's replaced with the soldier who could wipe Crowley's existence away without breaking a sweat. Balthazar really had been one of Heaven's best warriors before everything went to pot and right now, it shows.]

I've been filled in on the Back to the Future element. Although if Cas is so far behind, that begs the question: Where are you?

[If he isn't phased by the lack of Judgment Day or Balthazar's general existence, then he must be just about as far along as Bal is. Maybe even further.]


[Video // Private // Unhackable] kissesdarling November 5 2011, 04:35:08 UTC
[They haven't yet met. But Balthazar knows who he is. So after Castiel has informed him of their plan to locate Purgatory, but before his own death, most likely. And Crowley relaxes minutely, though he does not show it.]

A rather nice flat that you can't get into. My apologies, sweetheart -- I'm something of a racist.

[Read: He isn't going to tell you.]


[Video // Private // Unhackable] menageablank November 5 2011, 08:07:00 UTC
[So he does has something. Balthazar is willing to bet he's from past his own timeline. Which means he knows what Balthazar decides, and the outcome. That's... aggravating. Either that or this is all some elaborate scheme to get under Balthazar's skin. Maybe both.

Even so, he'll raise his chin and size the demon up through the silly little phone.]

Weren't you ever told that's not very nice? Darling?


[Video] wingsandwill November 5 2011, 04:03:55 UTC
[He understands the fluctuations, how people can arrive from vastly different times that each other. But that doesn't make it less of a shock when his brother--his brother who was supposed to be dead-- appeared on screen. Though Castiel doesn't recognize the vessel, and his senses are barely functional, he knows who this is somehow before the introduction is made on the feed.]


[Castiel doesn't know what Balthazar's talking about or what point in time he's from, but it doesn't matter, because the brother he loves most is somehow both alive and here. For the first time in so long he feels almost happy.]


[Video] menageablank November 5 2011, 04:55:57 UTC
[Balthazar isn't sure that he would have even recognized Castiel without the vessel. Then again, there's no one quite like his brother. Even with his Grace gone, he still moves and sounds so unbelievably Cas like.

Bal swallows nervously. He knows that this isn't the same Castiel as he left. This version has no idea of the betrayal Balthazar is about to pull. (Maybe about to pull, he forcefully reminds himself.) He can't help the moment of guilt.

Then he realizes that this Cas would still be under the impression that he had been dead. In fact, he had "died" pretty recently in Castiel's timeline. As much as Balthazar dislikes the thought of a humanized Cas, it's a relief to see him without all of that weight on his shoulders. He smiles genuinely.]



[Video] wingsandwill November 5 2011, 05:27:09 UTC
You're alive.

[He can't think to say anything else, that issue first and most pressing on his mind. He knows Balthazar might be from an earlier time, but he's never seen this vessel, and there's something different about him. How Balthazar responds should tell him what point in time he's from, at the very least; better, he might get some sort of explanation.]


[action] SURPRISE but not really since we talked about it pfff menageablank November 6 2011, 04:37:31 UTC
[Right before he had been dragged into this outlandish Matrix, Balthazar had been thinking about the road Castiel found himself on. He put a lot of blame on Sam and Dean for treating Cas the way they did, expecting him to jump at their every beck and call. But Bal couldn't help but wonder if things would have turned out the same if he himself had been around more.

Maybe it would be a start, telling Castiel the true story to his face rather than having him find out through a spell.

So Balthazar ditches the NV and simply appears where Castiel is. The street lamps surge but nothing breaks. He sticks his hands in his pockets and looks his friend over. This whole part human thing was not a good look.]

Tremendously so.

[Bal offers him a charming smile. No way you could hate the one wearing this smile, Cas. Even if Balthazar knows that's about as effective as trying to charm a brick wall.]


video; quadrifoliate November 5 2011, 04:05:01 UTC
If that's what you're after, you might as well sign up for AGI. Though I guess they haven't been doing too well, lately...

[ yes let the barely-legal-looking girl tell you all about the nightlife options. ]


video; menageablank November 5 2011, 04:58:21 UTC
[Oh hello there.]

Maybe you could tell me more about it, miss...?


video; quadrifoliate November 5 2011, 05:04:40 UTC
The name's Clover! Nice to meetcha. [ Balthazar's kind of a mouthful, though, so... ] You got a nickname or something else I can call you?


video; menageablank November 6 2011, 04:41:14 UTC
You, my dear, can call me Bal. [The wink he gives her charming. Yes. Not at all sketchy...]


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