
Aug 07, 2011 20:41

[The video feed shows-- for those who know it-- the living room of the Super Secret Firehouse. It's empty for the moment, but one can hear muffled yips in the background. Jack's voice is first.]

Attention, Newcomers of Siren's Port! I think there's a goddman epidemic goin' on here! First Jinx, and now--

Stoppit, hold-- [It's a mutter at first, irritable, but when Sirius raises his voice to a more normal pitch, he's just as cheerful as ever.] And now we've a surprise for you, dear Canada. We didn't want to upstage anyone, y'know, we didn't want to interfere with the happy news--but we've our own happy news--

[That's definitely the sound of a yapping dog, indignant but muffled. And yet it's ignored.]

It's-- well, see for yourself!

[And, finally, Jack swings the camera over to Sirius. He has a noticeable lump down the front of his shirt-- a wriggling, yipping lump, but a lump nonetheless. He holds the bottom of his shirt firmly closed, so that the lump is settled down at his stomach.]

I'm so proud. Course, we ain't sure how it happened-- magic, probably-- but sources also point to some bastard at the Purgatory club bein' responsible.

Hang on, what! [Sirius turns a Look at Jack at that.] No. No, that part isn't correct. It's a mystery, is what it is, magic and a mystery and that's all.

[The baby--lump--puppy--whatever--gives a particularly loud yap just then, surging against Sirius' shirt. He scrambles to keep hold of it, pulling a face.] Stop, hold still I said-- Er, anyway, yeah, magical mystery, didn't want to upstage anyone, et cetera... And we really appreciate everyone's help and support in this exciting and difficult time. We're pioneers on this road, y'know.

Anyway, the point of this is, we don't want sympathy. Just presents.

Tasteful presents, of course, we ain't picky. You know. Baby thin's. Dog treats. Money. Whatever.

[A puppy paw slips out of the bottom of Sirius' shirt just then--hastily, he scoops it back up, tucking it safely away.]

We don't want to make a big thing of it, of course, but--yeah, there you are. Ooh, Jack, I think I need to have a lie down, I'm, er--craving-- pickles and things--

Ice cream, right, darlin'? Right, then, you lie down on the couch and I'll get that-- anyway, remember, money! Just as soon as you can!

[Both their laughter can be heard as Jack shuts the camera.]

[Red is Sirius, blue is Jack, obviously. And apologies to Jinx. :3]

c: asano rin, c: oruha, c: gabriel/the trickster, c: sam merlotte, c: shoshanna dreyfus, c: bruce wayne | batman, !: jack kelly, !: sirius black, c: larry butz, c: jinx, c: ahiru, c: ella, c: pickles the drummer, c: gamzee makara, c: dr. john seward

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