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Video sealbait April 27 2011, 02:12:51 UTC
[Zooming in on Tenten's chest. Enjoy the view, Akira.]

This is the best day ever.


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Video sealbait April 27 2011, 02:26:37 UTC
Totally worth it.


[voice] heavenly_earth April 27 2011, 02:03:24 UTC
[a little angry, mostly horrified] Tenten! What are you doing!?


[voice] sealbait April 27 2011, 02:10:59 UTC
Fighting for women's rights, what's it look like?



[voice] heavenly_earth April 27 2011, 02:15:12 UTC
Don't be ridiculous, she was provoked, get her down from there!


[voice] sealbait April 27 2011, 02:22:00 UTC
What? No way! If I get in there I'll either get thrown out and miss everything or Tenten'll kick me in the face!


[Video!] madeinoblivion April 27 2011, 02:06:55 UTC
[Because this NV entertainment is much better than the fully clothed lady onstage at Merlotte's Karaoke night, belting ABBA.]

Alright! Go Tenten!


[Video!] sealbait April 27 2011, 02:17:23 UTC
[It's even better live, Joe.]

She's kicking ass, dude!


[Video!] madeinoblivion April 27 2011, 02:31:35 UTC
I can see-

Can't you zoom? Got a hologram function?


[Video!] sealbait April 27 2011, 02:37:31 UTC
Gimme a sec, I'm on her NV-

[And there's a sudden zoom-in on the other girl's thighs.]

Got it!


[Video/Action] sealbait April 27 2011, 02:07:38 UTC
[Veser has been awaiting this day his whole life...the day he'd get to see live jell-o wrestling. Add the catfight and that Tenten is an absolute badass and he's half sure he died at some point and this is his eternal reward.]

Christ, are you guys seeing this?! [brb, zooming in on Tenten's butt.] Go Tenten!


[Action lmao] tenxsquared April 27 2011, 02:14:44 UTC
[When the video ISN'T zoomed in on her ass this is one hell of a fight okay. She had her chakra back and damnit she was going to use it!

...which apparently meant some hair pulling in retaliation as the other woman pulled one of her buns down in an attempt to drag Tenten to the floor.

Oh hell no.]


[Action] sealbait April 27 2011, 02:20:28 UTC
Kick her ass, Ten! Use that jello!

[Life. Is. Awesome.]


[Action] aaaaand a quick wrap up 8| tenxsquared April 27 2011, 02:42:06 UTC
[She had kind of forgotten where she was, even with the crowd cheering loudly around them. It was difficult to control her chakra over the jello, a substance Tenten wasn't familiar with.

Slippery enough that she couldn't quite duck out of the way in time to avoid a hit, taking a nice elbow right to the face.

Thaaaat was going to leave a mark.

But it was enough to bring her focus back into winning, and after a few more moments of frantic wrestling she managed to knock the other woman down, the crowd going wild as the announcer counted down before declaring her the victor.]

Aaaaaand round! We have a winner!

[...Oh shit. The surroundings suddenly came back into focus when her arm was grabbed, Tenten scrambling back to her feet as the announcer held both their hands up.

Neji was going to kill her.]

I, uh.

Our lovely winner of the evening is...~

[A towel was thrown around her shoulders and she blinked, a little wide eyed as the mic was suddenly in her face.]


[More whistling and cheering, and oh my god I want to die.]


[video] 1/2 deceptive_lulz April 27 2011, 02:09:55 UTC
[That looks like....]


[video] deceptive_lulz April 27 2011, 02:10:57 UTC
[...so much fun! It was too bad Sarina wasn't much of a hand to hand fighter, or she might have joined in too.]

Teehee! Good luck~!


[video] sealbait April 27 2011, 02:23:38 UTC
Yo, Sarina! You busy?


[video] deceptive_lulz April 27 2011, 04:52:28 UTC
Veser! Heehee~! It's been a while, hasn't it?

[Her smile falters just slightly though.]

I have to work in an hour, actually. How have you been doing though~?


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