Some of you have gotten your
invitations to Will & Grell's housewarming party already (I've been working slowly through the alphabet); and some of you might have gotten two: a defaced and non-defaced invitation.
Rendered homeless by the earthquake, Grell and William have finally moved into a new flat, which is - coincidentally - two doors down from where Ishida Uryuu and Keigo live. Grell & Will have very little in the way of possessions post-earthquake, so have hit upon the idea of having a housewarming party.
While Grell likes going to parties, he's not so keen on the hosting or cleaning up afterwards bit. So he has hit upon the COMPLETELY EXCELLENT IDEA of having this party at
Uryuu's and Keigo's neighboring and much, much nicer apartment - without telling them or asking permission of course! Or informing William, either.
Cue pandemonium.
The defaced invitations direct party-goers to Uryuu's & Keigo's apartment, and are sent by Grell. The non-defaced invitations direct party-goers to Will & Grell's apartment, and are sent by William.
Party commences Sunday afternoon (September 18th).
If you haven't received an invitation yet, and want one, reply below. Particularly as I am disorganized and have almost certainly overlooked important people SOB! Even if you don't have CR with Grell or William, but want to come, we can work something out.
Watch Uryuu and Keigo flail.