Avengers stuff oh boy 8]

May 12, 2011 20:29

HEY GUYS. So, the weirdo bizarro DC character seems to be slowly taking over control of the Avengers... which is weird... but I suppose that's panfandom RP for you. SO I HAVE A REQUEST FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT HAVE CHARACTERS ON THE AVENGERS. Carrie's totally going to be going on information overload, and stalking the crap out of everyone on the team, as well as people with heroic inclinations/useful powers who aren't on the team. And I? Doooonnn't really have time for that oh god art school crying. SO I WOULD LOVE YOU FOREVER IF YOU FILLED OUT THIS HANDY-DANDY FORM I'VE PROVIDED.

Also! If your character isn't an Avenger and you want them to be, this is the perfect place to say. :D If they'd willingly join, then we can work out some kind of IC contact. If they'd be useful and someone Carrie would look for and wouldn't willingly join, well, then she has no qualms about pestering until they give in and join.

If your character is a current Avenger, use this!! (And remember to make note of which information Carrie could dig up by stalking their public threads/threads you wouldn't mind her hacking, and which information she wouldn't have found!)
Codename: (if they use one)
Power-Stalkability: Did they tell She-Hulk about them? If not, have they ever talked about/shown them on the NVs, in a public thread or a thread you would be okay with being hacked?
Skill Concentration: Is your character good at working in groups? At leading people? Following directions? Are they very good at using their powers, or are their powers new to them? Do they have any combat skills outside of power uses?
Weaknesses: There's the usual "kryptonite" kind of weaknesses, but I'm looking for personality weaknesses too. Do they have an independent streak that would make teamwork difficult? A temper?
Close Connections: Who in the Port have they gotten to know? How close are they? Who is here from their home?
Do they abide by a no-kill rule?
Anything else?

If you WANT your character to be an Avenger, use this!!
Codename: (if they use one)
Power-Stalkability: Have they ever talked about/shown them on the NVs, in a public thread or a thread you would be okay with being hacked?
Skill Concentration: Is your character good at working in groups? At leading people? Following directions? Are they very good at using their powers, or are their powers new to them? Do they have any combat skills outside of power uses?
Weaknesses: There's the usual "kryptonite" kind of weaknesses, but I'm looking for personality weaknesses too. Do they have an independent streak that would make teamwork difficult? A temper?
Close Connections: Who in the Port have they gotten to know? How close are they? Who is here from their home?
Recruitability: Shut up, that's a word. Would Carrie have to track them down and make them join, or would they volunteer if they knew it was an option?
Recruiting Details: Any suggestions on getting them connected? Carrie would totally go out of her way to snag people, and I'm not asking you to come up with the connection entirely on your own, this is just to get us started!
Do they abide by a no-kill rule?
Anything else?

ALSO THERE IS A SUPERHERO MEETING SCHEDULED FOR SOME TIME NEXT WEEK, which I think would not really be all that interesting to play out. No one wants to sit through meetings in real life, who would want to RP them? So here is an outline of Things That Would Go Down! You can use that post to bring up anything your character would mention, and we can sort of use it as an... OOC version of an IC meeting, sparing ourselves the tedium of actually playing it out.

That said, would anyone be interested in a general Avengers open log? I imagine there'll be some kind of actiony things that they do, and we can log those when they come up, but until then? It'll be kind of tough to handwave these characters getting to know each other like they would if all we ever play out are the action scenes. In short: WHO'S UP FOR A GROUP LAZY DOING-NOTHING SUNDAY. Free CR-collection. 8]

If anyone needs me for anything, I'm on AIM at the p0rn nun and Plurk at buttadventure!


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