"In the depths of every heart, there is a tomb and a dungeon--"

Jun 19, 2011 00:12

Who: Terra, Riku, Joe, Aslan, and Master Xehanort
When: Late evening, progressing throughout the night
Where: Dead Horse Cove
Summary: The culmination of the events that began with the theft of Terra’s body - or, arguably, with Xehanort’s arrival in Siren’s Port - that will once and for all put an end to the villain’s reprehensible plans. A goal perhaps more difficult than it seems, as the number of people available to fight has been whittled down over the ensuing month of conflict. Nevertheless, here at last is what may arguably be the only opportunity for some of the heroes to find a measure of the peace and closure that they have long sought.
Warnings: Lots of fighting, lots of words, lots of holy crap. Also: awesome. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Note: All events happen over the course of one night, in conjunction with another battle taking place between Ansem and Xemnas at the same time. Post style is prose, third person, past tense, and length is, uh...variable. Don't worry about matching anyone else, guys, just do what's most comfortable for you!

Also gratuitous formatting and quotes within.

Content in comments, divided by participant.

master xehanort, riku, replica riku, terra, aslan

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