12 BSG icons.

Oct 09, 2006 00:03

Whew, it's been a while since I've done BSG... but it's been a while since I've had BSG to do! YAYYAYYAYYAY! :D

12 icons. 10 from 3x1 (Occupation only, looking for Precipice caps), 2 from S3 promo pics.

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Comments 39

rjsteamboat76 October 9 2006, 00:37:24 UTC
ahhh #12, so true. much healthier than that other 'ship. and #11..that's why they butted heads early on. =) nice work. i might end up taking Kara/Karl.


summer_smile October 9 2006, 22:42:52 UTC
thanks. I'm a big kara/karl fan... they just work.


rjsteamboat76 October 9 2006, 22:53:11 UTC
hmmmm *shameless self promotion* well, if you read fan fic, i write about them the most. =)


jandjsalmon October 9 2006, 22:54:39 UTC
Ha Ha Ha! I was jsut going to shamlessly promote you too!

Great minds think alike! ;)


gaetas_poptart October 9 2006, 03:50:22 UTC
These are gorgeous, and smart. Especially loving 1, 2 and 7.


summer_smile October 9 2006, 22:41:39 UTC
thank you. :D

I'm planning on some Gaeta love with my next batch... :D


rubybrambleburr October 9 2006, 04:49:55 UTC
I love 11!!!!!! Swiping, thanks :o)


summer_smile October 9 2006, 22:40:46 UTC
excellent, thank you! :D


jandjsalmon October 9 2006, 07:13:46 UTC
AHGHG! I HAD to snag 2 -- I loved it -- best part of the whole epi! ;) Thanks and I'll totally credit! ;)


summer_smile October 9 2006, 22:40:12 UTC
LOL, that was pretty damn cool, wasn't it?

So dainty and yet so shaken... Kara is just all kinds of awesome! :D


jandjsalmon October 9 2006, 22:55:31 UTC
I know. She's always been my hero -- but now even more so -- I may even need to make a header with all the caps from that scene because it was just all sorts of awesome! ;)


summer_smile October 9 2006, 22:58:25 UTC
By the way... I was going back through my BSG icon posts last night and saw that you had left a comment about the CAG icon (that was you, wasn't it?)... I can still add the shag to it, if you'd like. :D


musictwig October 9 2006, 21:16:16 UTC
I've just started watching BSG, but I have no idea what's going on!! Anyway, thought I'd post the link to my "icon ideas" post, in case you missed it. If you're bored or feeling inspired...



siren_icons October 9 2006, 22:39:04 UTC
OMG, you're watching BSG? Welcome to the best show on TV! :D

Have you rented the first season yet? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! YAY!

Here's something to get you up to speed. They put together a "Story so far" video (actually 2 - one is a very short 3 minute montage, the other is a much more comprehensive 44 minute recap) you can use to catch up if you're starting at season three...


there's a glossary and written recaps of both seasons... and if you ever, EVER have any questions, you can ask me.

That's a cool post of ideas. I'll try to work some of those into the fractals you linked to earlier? My next day off is Sunday again, so it probably won't be before then.

OMG, I'm so excited you're watching BSG.

Best show on TV! :D

smh&k, d


musictwig October 10 2006, 17:45:55 UTC
I haven't seen any of the first two seasons yet, that's why I'm so lost! lol I'll start with the recaps, then go on to renting the seasons, I think...

Hmmm...I think I need some sort of science fiction geek icon. ;)


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