Allow me to introduce myself. (Updated 2024)

Sep 14, 2016 22:39

∞ My name is Jenna. I was born and raised in California. My birthday is May 26 and I'm in my 30s. If you're into astrology, my "big three" are Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, and Cancer Rising. My Myers-Briggs type is INFP.

∞ Career: Licensed Esthetician.

∞ Projects: Ongoing - I have a blog and Instagram where I post skin-related topics. (The links on the sidebar are outdated. I probably won't change them due to issues with stalkers.) Upcoming - Fully intend to write a book. It will come to fruition when I've sufficiently processed some things and creative flow comes back to me. Possible podcast in the future?

∞ Some of my hobbies and interests are reading, playing video games, and generally trying to decompress and recover from the tragedy that is my life.

∞ I am a bisexual cisgender woman. I'm also a feminist and an atheist. Needless to say, this means I am quite liberal. However, you won't find many posts (if any) in my journal about religion or politics.

Important people in my life
♥ Sunny, my sister (age: mid 20s). She dropped out of college and has been working at her first big girl job. She spends a significant amount of time in Europe each year because she has family there. (She is my half-sister; we have different dads.)

♥ Lindsey, aka beatnik. She is awesome and has been a very close friend for over a decade. We've been through a lot together, and even though she lives far away, we're able to always pick up where we left off.

♥ Chris M., another close friend. I actually met him online sometime in 2007. We became so close that we moved into an apartment together in 2010 and lived there for a year. It turned out to be a difficult time in our lives, and when we moved out, we didn't speak to each other for two years. We've since made up and have gotten ourselves into a few shenanigans!

♥ Carrie, my oldest friend. I literally cannot remember a time she hasn't been in my life. Our lives and family situations are parallel. The only major difference is she's married with 3 kids.

♥ Vanessa, she and I go way back. We met in Kindergarten, lost touch after I moved in 6th grade, then reconnected years later through Facebook. We are both hermits, so we don't actually see each other often. However, we do talk most days.

♥ My cats. I was forced to give them up when we lost our home in Jan 2021. Two of them, Max and Pudding, were placed with a local cat rescue and subsequently adopted in Sept 2022. The third one, Miles, is being fostered indefinitely by my hairstylist, Valerie. My hope is to reunite with all three someday.

My journal
I post about depression, anxiety, family drama (abuse) and similar issues. In the past, I did occasionally write about sex and intimacy related topics. I have not been in a relationship in several years at this point but those topics will likely come up in the future. I do not filter my posts in any way, so if any of these topics offend you, perhaps it is not a match. On the flip side, I am no longer removing anyone from my friends list, so it's death 'til us part if you add me, or at least until LJ/DW shuts down!

public post, introduction

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