And...I'm back :)

Aug 07, 2008 15:23

Howdy all, did you miss me?

Just a note to say that I am back from my extended holiday, having seen loads of things, met loads of new people, and hvaing had a brilliant time...although kinda glad to be away from my friends for a little bit again. I still love them, but I've never spent 5 weeks on the trot with the same people before.

Anyway, I hope ( Read more... )

rl, random

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Comments 11

persiflage_1 August 7 2008, 14:30:50 UTC
Welcome back.

Biggest thing, for me, was going to the Doctor Who Prom, weekend before last... Had a fab time - let me know if you want the link for my account!


siranan August 7 2008, 16:13:05 UTC
Yeah, that'd be great. I remember reading something about it in the paper while I was away actually :)


persiflage_1 August 7 2008, 16:23:51 UTC
siranan August 7 2008, 17:06:22 UTC
Cheers, darlin'!


dirgni19 August 7 2008, 16:49:18 UTC
Welcome back!

You mentioned that you need to catch up on loads of TV stuff, I can link you to some of my DW reaction posts to this past season's eps, if you want :) Otherwise, I have not much else to offer ya except a welcome back hug, lol! *hugs*


siranan August 7 2008, 17:07:14 UTC
It's a welcome home present of sorts, I guess :) And a hug, well, thanks - *hugs you back*


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siranan August 7 2008, 17:16:58 UTC
Oh, My, Fucking, God, Jaz. Seriously?????????????
That is one of the funniest things I have ever heard... If only there was some way of proving your exisistence to him...instead of offering to have flings with nice girls you've met on the net - I guess you at least know she's real now :)
You're bloody unbelieveable, you know that? Scaring that poor boy...although, come to think of it, he didn't sound that scard...more like...excited...

[And, uh, Loveline? Really? Why the hell was he on that??]


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siranan August 7 2008, 17:43:27 UTC
I pity him if he found some of the fanfic I'm assuming exists about him...but then he's a pretty boy, in the public eye, singing romantic songs and then interviews. What did he expect?

(I have just realised I keep referring to him as a boy, despite him being about 10 years older than me. Meh.)


lekacert April 9 2011, 06:38:53 UTC
I don’t usually reply to posts but I will in this case.


hoseaesoka October 31 2011, 23:43:48 UTC
Hmmm for some reason only half the post can be seen. I tried reloading but still same.


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