Title: I said nothing lasts forever (and I meant it)
SionnainFandom: Hard Core Logo
Pairing Joe/Billy
Rating: Adult, mostly for language/situations.
Warnings: Drug use, if that squicks you
Story Notes: Set pre-Hard Core Logo breakup (therefore, very pre-movie).
AN: Written for
inlovewithnight for the Catchallathon, who wanted "Hard Core Logo drug!Fic with
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Comments 33
OMG, I *love* it. Thank you so much, bb. Oh, God, they're so fucked-up. And Billy knows it, and he has a way out, but taking the way out is being a TRAITOR, right? But he *has* to or he's going to get lost. And of course knowing the movie adds all kinds of foreshadowing here, and Joe was never anything but doomed anyway.
::rolls around in the delicious angst::
Thank you thank you thank you!
And slightly smug I got you to like something with Callum! You know I will be smug about this for ages, y/y? ::beams::
Interestingly, it's Joe who says that HE brought in Ed from Vancouver, but I like the idea that Billy did it and then Joe took credit just to KEEP BILLY (because he looooooooooooooves him) and then fucked it all up, because he's JOE. (Me and Meresy had this conversation in email after she beta'd my fic).
I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT. I admit, it was really fun to write and I am SO HAPPY you enjoyed the OMG ANGST and drugs.
And thank you! I love them lots, as messed up as they are. ::draws wee hearts::
Thank you again for the beta and the email convos, darling! ::mwah::
(also i love joe. for some reason. possibly this one:
Billy looks at Joe, and he knows that look on Joe's face, the one that says "This is new and I could fucking die so I better do it right now,")
:D :D
Comments are well-deserved! This is awesome!
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