Title: The Unquiet Affair of Rachel Grey and Nathaniel Essex, Chapter 7.
Author: Sionnain
'Verse: 616, though occurs before current Uncanny arc and will obviously be AU.
Pairing: Rachel Grey/Nathaniel Essex (Rachel/Sinister)
Rating: MA
Warning: Restraint/whipping/consensual violence. Please be advised of the warnings.
Summary: In order to save
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Comments 19
I remain intrigued about Sinister's motivations: still an experiment, or something more? Certainly can't see him dating, and "Mr. Sinister Is My Fuck Buddy" is probably a National Inquirer headline.
I should link you to the Wiki about Sinister, and why I'm suddenly so obsessed with him. Actually, if you go back to his prompt on last week's Theatrical_Muse entry, about "What Song Describes Your Life", you can read about the thing that made me suddenly love him :D
Thanks for reading! I know this is very few people's cup of tea. ::loves::
...and it's not even my kink, goddammit! What are you doing to me? *wails*
I love Rachel/Sinister, now. LOVE IT. You writers of fanfic awesomeness are MAKING MY BRAIN WEIRD(er). I'm all about the bizarro non-canon ships, now.
ANYWAY. This is swell. And hot. Did I mention the hot?
Well, it is.
I am glad that you thought it was hot, too. I approve of friends who find extremely fucked up consensual whipping hot. I JUST DO. ::loves::
Oh, and I so giggled because, no kidding, I was JUST discussing with someone else whether Nocturne in Em or Moonlight Sonata is the ultimate melancholy piano piece.
(PSST: When I'm done posting, I have a fanmix already made with the song on it. ::G::)
And, well, damn. Very nice job.
As someone who has been on both sides of the belt, I really appreciate pervy fic that gives a little attention to the psychology of both top and bottom, but they're rare. This is mostly from Rachel's point of view, of course, but the little touches meant to show us that he is not entirely sanguine -- the particular things she says or does that manage to catch him off balance for a beat -- it's a touching note of sensitivity toward the peculiar and well-guarded vulnerabilities of tops. The emotions and reactions that you're showing us on both sides of the belt feel familiar to me, and that's really drawn me in.
And I am also glad that Sinister's pov is showing up. I'm not a top and so it's hard for me to make sure I'm getting that right, and I'm glad to hear it's working. It's also been interesting writing a bottom who's not really a submissive :D
Thank you so much! I love writing these two, and Sinister is one of my favorites. Catch his Wikipedia entry for a delightful read sometime, if you want. I just love his eyes. Mmmmm.
And Rachel...oh, Rachel. Poor thing is a psychological mess.
I almost couldn't NOT write this, if you'll excuse the use of double-negatives.
Thank you for reading!!
I have to say, if you like Magneto/Rogue, check out Erotisan's fic No More than You. Probably the hottest BDSM fic I have ever read!!
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