Title: The Unquiet Affair of Rachel Grey and Nathaniel Essex, Chapter 2.
Author: Sionnain
'Verse: 616, though occurs before current Uncanny arc and will obviously be AU.
Pairing: Rachel Grey/Nathaniel Essex (Rachel/Sinister)
Rating: Eventual M, though this chapter is not.
Summary: In order to save her family and friends from Sinister's machinations
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Comments 15
*wants more*
She blinked, having not expected him to say that. "I don't like them. Why do you want to see them? Because it hurts me?"
He released her hand. "No. Because you are here for me to study you. They are part of you. Follow me." He turned, the gesture once again strangely elegant, and began walking out of the door.
Rachel followed him, nervous, wondering what she had just done. She was beginning to have the thought that this could go nowhere good, but it was too late now to do anything about it. She caught sight of herself in one of the round mirrors in the hallway as she followed him, and saw her markings glowing softly against her skin. Rachel turned her head away. There were some truths she was not yet ready to face.
This is, I think, my favorite part of this chapter. :)
She wasn't sure that Scott would actually wake up and bound after her in his pajamas, but she wasn't going to take any chances.
You are definitely converting me to this ship. *wags finger at you* ;)
Thank you for reading!!
Bwahahahaha. *loves*
I think I loved all the little culture clash things best of all... Sinister doesn't have to do weird mutant things to confuse Rachel, he just has to offer her *tea* of all things.
These two are rather disturbingly adorable. More, please!
After being somewhat baffled by a discussion of "snogging" (kissing), he was rather shocked when a fellow professor said "I'll knock you up in the morning."
In England, this means to knock on your door, thus waking you. It wasn't an invitation to some real-life MPreg. Anyway, I can imagine Rachel's reaction to that ;-)
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