Title: Iscariot: The Last Supper Remix
Author: Sionnain
Summary: In his dreams he sees a terrible flash of green, and the face behind the curse is one he knows well. The question is, who is it?
Rating: PG
Fandom: Harry Potter
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Title, Author and URL of original story: Iscariot,
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Comments 4
Yowza, this is incredibly powerful. The nightmares, the constant warning bells ringing in the back of his mind that he paid no attention to, and that last section...
It's so ominous, and when Peter asks if he's the one and James does nothing... oh, it hurts to know how differently things could've played out if James had only *listened*.
It's beautifully written, and incredibly creepy, and the last line makes the hair at my nape literally *prickle* with unease.
Thanks sweetie!!
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