Title: Dogs and Cats, Living Together
SionnainFandom: due South
Pairing: Kowalski/Vecchio
Rated: Teen
Warnings: Um, it's K/V. By me. So probably there will be some sap and cuteness? :D? Ghostbusters and Disney movie references? You know, the usual.
Summary: Ray accompanies Vecchio to adopt a pet for Frannie's kids at the humane society. While
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Comments 22
I heart yoooooooou. <333333
He wondered if he could flash his badge and find out who owned the dog before, and then go kick them in the head because look at its little face, how could anyone just take the dog and give it away and--
um, omg, that is totally what I would use my badge for.
Oh, and um, the smell bothers you 'cause your nose is...big."
::giggles madly::
Vecchio patted his back again, then reached up and drew his leather-clad fingers through Ray's hair, which felt really good and made Ray want to thump his foot like a pleased rabbit.
AWWWWW. <3 and also, Kowalski's thoughts on Fox and the Hound are MY THOUGHTS ON IT. I can't watch that movie. at all. it is way sadder to me than other Disney movies where like, parents DIE and such. because they were BEST FRIENDS!! D: D:
..so basically, Jaime = Kowalski in this fic, clearly.
How did you hate a guy who came up with that awesome plan?
THAT WHOLE PART OMG. that is totally like how our next RP should be! :D?
"I bet someone wanted to make a coat out of you," he said jokingly to the ( ... )
Yay! I'm glad you liked it. Also FYI Fox and the Hound is my favorite Disney movie BUT OMG I CRY. A lot. D:
AND YES about our new!straight!Rays. Clearly they will be friends and then awkward about everything ever. AHHH. Boys!
Also cutest story ever imaginable? YOU MAKE ME GIGGLE. But also I am so glad that you liked it bb. <33333333!
I LOVE the cat. SO MUCH. And especially Kowalski cracking up over the similarities.
Thank you! I would so bring home a Vecchio!cat. AWWW. Instead I have one named Kowalski, who acts just like his namesake. ::watches him run laps around the house::
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