Drabble (for snape100)

Mar 22, 2004 14:03

Well, I've finally started getting off my blunt end and getting back into writing.

Here's a little something for the latest challenge "Snape the Death Eater" in snape100

Title: Hair
Author: sinick
Challenge: Snape the Death Eater
Word Count: 100 (MS Word)

Until fifth year, Severus never once cut his hair.

It lacked James' carefully encouraged tousle, Sirius' flattering leonine waves. Relentlessly straight, it fell past Severus' waist, flowing bannerlike in his wake. Even yellowed sunset light raised indigo gleams from sleek strands glossy with cleanliness. Whether restrained into a queue for Potions, or loosened to hood his expression, he was proud of his only enticing feature.

But after one Hogsmeade weekend, it was raggedly amputated, repulsively slippery with grease.

No non-Slytherin knew him well enough to ask; no Slytherin dared.

Voldemort also liked it.

He'd used it to hold Severus down.

fest, fic

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