This pain in my heart is all mine [Open]

Jun 03, 2011 13:55

who; Rinzler and OPEN
what; Rinzler is (as usual) restless and has several things on his processor. Best coping mechanism? Parkour and stalking.
where; Zone 05, mainly around the Tronhaus but all over.
when; Nowish. Today. Afternoon time.
warning(s); Damn my hiatus, I'm bored. None yet.

I don't want it no more )

tron / rinzler | (au), delta | (au), anon | (au), noble seven | thom 293, agent york | (au)

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Comments 59

paging zone five parkour shenanigans? :D thom_293 June 3 2011, 19:27:07 UTC
Ever since the teleporter incident, the knowledge that your genetic coding could be tweaked at the slightest provocation, and the fact that Thom was currently (and each time he came out of a teleporter, still) a female had given him a new sort of determination. Sure, life had been tossing his entire team lemons for months now, but did you know lemons produced electricity?

Yeah. Best idea.

Well, electricity, in this metaphorical case, meant getting used to what he had to work with. He'd hit the PT harder than ever since his abrupt gender change, because he would figure out this different-centre-of-gravity-thing if it killed him. He'd made a point of sparring with half the station, and had come out only slightly worse for wear. Couple bruises, maybe a pulled muscle here or there. Nothing that indicated the end of the known world ( ... )


My User wears the pager, sweetheart, not me. /SHAMELESS double_discs June 3 2011, 19:35:39 UTC
Rinzler caught the movement from the corner of his eye and turned his helmeted head towards it to confirm. He saw a person climbing up a building; he was amused at the pace it took. Still, it was an impressive show of maneuverability. Rinzler watched until the individual was nearing the top--and then he moved into action of his own.

He leaped from the balcony he stood watch on and ran across the wall of the building opposite for a short time. When he pushed off that surface he ducked and rolled onto the next rooftop back on the opposite side and was back on his feet, running, without so much as a second lost.

It didn't take him long to reach the roof the female was climbing. As she reached the top and come over the edge, Rinzler pounced the floor in front of her. He glanced up from his crouch and gave her a steady gaze.


that's what she said??? thom_293 June 3 2011, 19:49:59 UTC
Let one thing be said for all the years of training the Spartans end up with. They are just about impossible to startle. So while the sudden appearance of - actually, dude sort of reminded him of Anon - whoever certainly classified as abrupt, it didn't break the glass ceiling of actual surprise.

He arched an eyebrow, returning that look somewhat ironically. Bro, he's seven feet tall and built like a chick who is also a tank. Also, he's obviously and unmistakably armed, a HE pistol tucked into a shoulder harness, combat knife strapped to his thigh. What're you playing at?

"Nice day for a run, huh?"


/DED |DDD double_discs June 3 2011, 19:56:11 UTC
Neither weapon concerns the program, nor the size and build of his would-be prey. He'd taken on larger in the past. He was always amused whenever he found someone taller than him, though, as being the tallest program on the Grid was quite convenient. Still, it meant little.

Rinzler rumbled softly for a moment before indulging the other with a flat reply. "It is always a 'nice day' for a run."


dude I didn't actually need another stalker :| traceurmonitor June 3 2011, 21:20:47 UTC
Anon's aware that Rinzler - or at least somebody, he knows - is watching Flynn's home. Not Anon's home, never quite that. He just lives here, for now. Until someone else repossesses his disc. Until he's something else. But that's a worry for some other time. Right now there is somebody hanging around at a distance that isn't just coincidental.

Naturally enough, he heads out to investigate. While he normally takes off through a window, he decides to go the vaguely stealthy route and take the stairs. It's a decent way to get to know your various exits and alternate routes.

It also probably doesn't hurt that he kind of enjoys hopping over the railings to reach the next flight.

Fairly soon, there's a little white-circuited program making his way out of the building and surveying the area. He knows you are here, person. Come out come out.


But it's so much fun stalking you! double_discs June 3 2011, 21:42:53 UTC
Rinzler flashes his circuits once on the way down; he literally just took a step off the edge of his vantage point and fell down to the ground. He landed heavily, both feet, went into a crouch, but manged not to use a hand to steady. He was standing again in two nanoseconds.

He gazed at Anon steadily. There wasn't really any to explain himself or otherwise say anything. The fact that he revealed himself was a greeting all on its own.


But it makes me paranoid :( traceurmonitor June 3 2011, 23:22:37 UTC
Strange, how he can make such a short list of potential people that would be here, and Rinzler is still always at the top. And it is him... and Anon is glad of it. He did not want to deal with Clu or Abraxas right now. Besides, he still likes Rinzler.

Anon looks right back up at him, only shifting on his feet a little - normal, for him. Hello, sir. Long time no see. In person, anyway.


You'll always be paranoid. You're a Monitor. It's your job to be paranoid. double_discs June 4 2011, 01:45:28 UTC
Had Rinzler known Anon's disposition towards the enforcer Rinzler would have wondered why. He had not always been particularly kind to the other Monitor and he always refused to admit that a part of him was still the identity that Anon truly liked, that he still had Tron in him. Yet the beta Monitor continued to be nice to Rinzler.

Rinzler gave a curt nod in acknowledgment.


talkingfishbone June 3 2011, 22:14:13 UTC
Hiccup was lost.


Honestly, he rather enjoyed it.

Even if he was entirely unsure where he was in the zone, he knew from experience that he'd find his way to a teleporter eventually. From there, it was just a matter of fiddling. Eventually, he'd get himself sorted out.

The last he'd seen of his world companions, Astrid had been training and Toothless and Blue were taking an afternoon nap. He had been restless and soon found himself wandering. Getting this far into Zone 05 had just sort of happened, in a flash of corners and turned sketchbook pages.

He was taking notes on everything, of course.

In fact, he was taking notice of the roof tops when he saw a somewhat familiar black figure vault from one to the next.

Now that was cool.


double_discs June 4 2011, 17:35:31 UTC
The enforcer still couldn't get his processor to ease down into idle. Trying desperately to distract himself, he continued to run.

He wasn't completely unaware of his surroundings. His subroutines were still functioning adequately; he noticed Hiccup's presence some buildings back but continued on. He was half aware that he had probably started stalking the boy for lack of anything better to do.

But he wasn't hiding. Neither did he expect to be noticed--how often did most people look up? He was amused, then, when Hiccup spotted him leaping from one building to the next.

Curious little User.

He made a show of it. He leaped across the street to the building opposite with a flourish and then onto the next building down the street with a somersault that landed him on the edge in a crouch. Facing Hiccup.

He peered down at the boy with a soft rumble that echoed in the empty space. He tilted his head to one side. Are you going to keep up?


talkingfishbone June 6 2011, 04:09:28 UTC
A mixture of practice and instinct had Hiccup frozen. He watched the figure with wide, curious eyes.

They were so thin.

Then they stopped, and Hiccup leaned forward, squinting, trying to distinguish...something from the silhouette. The head tilted and, without thinking, he mirrored the motion.

Vikings probably don't have a word for deja vu, but he was certainly feeling it.

Slowly, he started towards the figure. Cautious, measured steps. He didn't break eye-contact--if the dark thing had eyes at all. He craned his head back to keep it.


double_discs June 7 2011, 15:59:01 UTC
Rinzler rumbled in amusement, the sound almost like a chortle. He could easily tell the human was scared--overly cautious--hesitant to get too close lest the program strike out at him unexpectantly. But curious, and perhaps brave enough or maybe only stupid enough, to inch closer.

Rinzler suddenly moved again, sliding half-way down the building in a controlled fall with feet and one hand on the wall. He clung to the protrusions and suspended himself like a spider on the wall, gazing down at Hiccup in what might have been the same way the spider would have looked at a fly drifting closer to its web. Expectantly.

He had the patience, for now, to wait.


1/2 alaspooryork June 4 2011, 02:41:01 UTC
He could easily admit that he was a little more interested in Kevin Flynn and his world than was absolutely necessary, but he was grateful beyond belief that York had humored his requests. Now, of course, it was just a bit of random patrol, but his motion detectors did sense something high up on the rooftops. A moment of research revealed a familiar figure, and a quick ping confirmed the identity.

York, he asked silently, do you wish to greet Rinzler or avoid him?


2/2 howkickassiam June 4 2011, 02:46:13 UTC
He's aware of things more or less the moment that Delta is-- and god, is he relieved to have his AI back in his head, so when he realizes who it is, he pauses, leaning against a wall.

I'm cool with greeting.

"Hey, gonna creep along up there the whole time or are you gonna come down?"


double_discs June 4 2011, 05:12:22 UTC
Rinzler peered down curiously at the soldier from his higher vantage point. His circuits were dimmed to a dark crimson but still visible when his form was. Which wasn't from his position as of yet.

He didn't seem surprised at being found out, suggesting that he hadn't been trying to hide too carefully, and was probably mostly just curious. Stalking the pair from above. He wasn't certain Delta was there but he readily recognized Delta's User--York--and had no qualms with him being in the vicinity. He was probably a friend of the house he was hovering near anyway.

Revealing himself fully, Rinzler clambered over the side of the ledge and clung to the side of the building like a giant black spider. Definitely venomous if the red was any indication. He rumbled in a curious sounding greeting before dropping like a stone. He landed with a thump on his feet, barely bending his knees from the impact.

That was answer enough, yes?


alaspooryork June 4 2011, 05:18:05 UTC
He silently noted an increase in threat level due to proximity, but Rinzler wasn't being openly hostile; he calculated the threat was small at this time.

Delta flashed on, looking identical in person as he did over a network broadcast - tiny, floating at about York's shoulder height. "Hello! I trust we are not intruding?"


akuze_survivor June 23 2011, 03:25:43 UTC
Jamison had been feeling itchy, restless. Some part of her missed being a dragon, even though she'd been the size of a large housecat and as liable to smash into anything as land on it. Still, the ability to fly? That had been worth it, and even perching on the top of this building gazing down at Zone 5 didn't make up for the sudden loss of flight.

She couldn't even have a goddamn flying dream; she'd never dreamed of flying and it didn't seem like she'd start now. Movement in her peripherals, honed by long hours at a rifle's scope, made her turn, frowning as a man in black moved atop another rooftop close by.

Silent, muscles on her back twitching in search of lost limbs, she prowled towards the other watcher, curious now.


double_discs June 28 2011, 22:08:50 UTC
Rinzler sensed being watched before anything else. He growled, low and deep in his central processor, the sound disappearing into the wide expanse of the Zone before it could be picked up by any nearby ears or audio sensors. He never liked being the stalked, was only ever the stalker ( ... )


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