I wonder what's happened so far; [open]

Oct 02, 2010 13:38

who; Starscream and people who aren't sleeping
what; Starscream wanders around in ghost!form and does his best Transformers: Armada impression bawww insert linkin park here introspects about his current situation; possibly, people go "why the hell is there a weird looking cyborg ghost running around"
where; a public park somewhere in Kurzwiel
when; ( Read more... )

, megatron | (au), , starscream | (au), , thane krios

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Comments 21

eighttotwelve October 2 2010, 18:26:11 UTC
Mapping had since been long ago complete. That, and after their trip to the underworld -- which reminded him immensely of Omega in so many ways -- left him feeling a bit purposeless. True, he is still willing and able to take any order from Shepard, and keeping both an ear and eye out for this Motoko at least presents something of a challenge for him ( ... )


loltraitorlol October 2 2010, 19:03:20 UTC
It takes him a few moments, but he eventually notices that he isn't alone. At first it's more a feeling than anything else, just a knowing that he's being watched. Then he actually spots the... what? Organic humanoid life form of some sort. Not human, clearly. Doesn't matter - to him they're all the same, gelatinous globs of noisy protein.

He's torn for a moment. Flee? Or stay...? Well, frag, this life form doesn't know who he is. Or what. And thus far there's little to allow anyone (other than Soundwave and ... anyway) to connect him to Comet.

Frag, he wants to be left alone. And no questions. He supposes that he could just let his projection drop and flit away and be by himself.

... but he was here first.

He sits and just fumes for a while longer, uncertain of whether he should get up and tell this stupid organic to go away. He's claimed this as his moping spot, slag it all.


cybertronismine October 3 2010, 09:16:16 UTC
Megatron may suffer from small bouts of impatience, but he has lived a very, very long time. During his lifespan, the entire human species came into being, built its kingdoms and empires, recorded its history - all in an eye-blink. If he was fortunate, if he played his cards correctly, he planned on living far longer. An eternity. He would create whole planets, whole systems, whole universes. If he could return to Nautilus. If he could find a way out of this wretched reality and back to where he now belonged - how strange it was that he considered himself a member of Nautilus instead of his home universe now. But what awaited him there? Imprisonment or death. Rusting away in containment until he was a shadow of his former self.

No. He belonged in Nautilus. He belonged as an Ashura. As a Deva. As an Aeon. Power was within his grasp - far more power than the All Spark. He just had to wait. Or that had been the plan until he had been thrust into this world where his bending ceased to work. He had tested it, tried to create the small ( ... )


oh lol here we go. FEEL FREE TO JUST BACKHAND HIM OUT OF THE WAY. loltraitorlol October 3 2010, 17:58:33 UTC
He'd flown again, after a time, unable to simply sit still, then landed back on a roof, walking around and trying to get a sense of things. To make things make sense in his head.

And then someone had stepped right through him.

Even if it happened often he still didn't like it. He'd thought that since he was visible enough - for Primus' sake, he glowed in the dark! - that he could avoid this sort of thing. But no. No, people still plowed right on through him as though he wasn't there.

Stepping out from inside... was this someone's leg? he floated back a few paces, trying to see what idiot had done this. Probably a poor plan to launch into a tongue lashing, but...

"... wh- YOU!?"


Of all the people to -

This only supported his theory that the universe did, in fact, hate him with a passion.

This Megatron... this one was clearly from another world. From the smooth lines of the Decepticon commander's form Starscream could tell that this was the legendary Megatron he'd heard about from Optimus and Sentinel Prime. The ( ... )


cybertronismine October 3 2010, 20:08:51 UTC
There had been the strangest sense of dislocation in his leg, but he had dismissed it as mere sensor malfunction. A slight tweak he would have to rectify. Nothing of any great importance. Exactly like Starscream. He continued to examine the cityscape laid out before him, hoping for some sign, some bit of intelligence to assist him in unraveling this strange puzzle. And then there was a shriek from near his foot. He stepped back with a puzzled frown and looked down to see a strange, glowing apparition.

It was a cross between a human and some sort of Cybertronian - he recognized the lines, the design from Thundercracker. But this was not the strange Seeker. No, it was someone else entirely. Small, half-human, a gaping hole torn through his chest, but-


That had to be the answer. Who else would have such fervent hatred in their voice? Even Optimus did not truly hate. He was far too much of an Autobot for that. It all fell into place. The strange drone. The outbursts over this place's communications network. The arrogance ( ... )


loltraitorlol October 3 2010, 20:51:42 UTC

Starscream was sent spinning through the air, heels over head as he fell through part of the building they were standing on. A few moments later, he righted himself.

"... ow! What the scrap!?"

That... that had hurt! How the frag was that even possible? No one could touch him, he knew that, he was insubstantial. Well, alright - he could touch some hard and soft light holograms as if they were solid, but Megatron was neither of these things. He ached as though he'd been hit with a sledgehammer.

... in some ways, that was almost nice. He hadn't been able to feel anything in this shape, and the bird-bot and the drone's sensors were extraordinarily primitive. That had felt real.

Which is idiotic! You were just punched, you moron! Don't dwell on how lovely it is to feel pain! Right. Ow! Not fun! Grr!

He zipped back towards Megatron, floating so that he hung in front of the Decepticon's face.

"What the frag was that?" he snapped. "You touched me! You shouldn't be able to touch me, I'm dead!And then, at long last, the tiny ( ... )


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