I wanna rock and roll all night... [ OPEN ]

May 18, 2011 15:05

who ; All the partygoers from partytown and then a bunch of other people who just show up randomly.
what ; The Dave Formerly Known As Sprite's party, thrown in honor of his newfound normalcy!
where ; A rather large party space somewhere in Zone 6
when ; TODAY (before the teleporter-related body-swap event)
warning(s) ; Cake.

...and party every day! )

davesprite, dave strider | (au), john egbert, marjorie pots | (oc), vriska serket, jade harley, nepeta leijon

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featheryasshole May 18 2011, 19:32:19 UTC
Dave stands in the middle of the room, decked out in an incredibly snazzy tuxedo, doing his best not to look uncomfortable as he waits for the guests to arrive. Normally he'd have no problem with the ridiculous over-the-topness of the party - it's ironic as all fuck - but he's still suffering slight aftereffects of the psychedelic weekend and all these visual stimuli are kind of giving him a headache.


featheryasshole May 20 2011, 16:07:40 UTC
Dave nods to Marj in greeting. At her words, he turns to Vriska, only now fully registering what the troll is doing.

"I guess she's taking out her aggression on it. Better that she mutilates the food than the guests, if you ask me."


inkstolen May 20 2011, 16:30:49 UTC
"MMm-hhm," It's the kind of intonation that contractually requires the accompanying head-slide, "Your party, your rules, li'l Dave. But, she do this often?"


LOL OOPS, LATE :B manipul8trix May 20 2011, 16:38:36 UTC
Vriska smiles placidly at Marj, placing Freshly Vandalised Cupcake #2 back with the others. "I do this all the time, thanks. And I'm not a Fondork or whatever. I'm Vriska."

She picks up another cake - Terezi - and beams at it fiendishly before stuffing it into her mouth. CHOMP. Now to continue administering romantic advice! Surely it won't matter that she has her mouth full. Or that Cake Lady is standing right there. "Oh, an' don't f'get to kiss 'er. 'N front 'f e'vryone," she adds, spraying cake crumbs everywhere in the most helpful of ways. "'S romantic."


inkstolen May 21 2011, 17:52:25 UTC
"Oh, woah, hold up now, Dave," hands on hips, grin firmly back in place.

And it's the kind of shit-eating grin someone might have right before jumping out of a plane, for all that she's talking about teen romance. This is too good to pass up.

"Do you mean to tell me you got a sweetheart. Oh, that's too good, who is she?"


featheryasshole May 21 2011, 18:00:16 UTC
And suddenly Dave is red as a stoplight. Congratulations on finding the single subject that can make him blush.

"Jesus, who uses the word sweetheart these days?" he mumbles.


inkstolen May 24 2011, 03:23:02 UTC
"Don't change the subject," Marjorie refuses to relent, throwing an arm around his shoulders as much because she can as to contain him. And grins- oh just look at that blush!

"Who is-" a wild guess, "Ooohh...Miss Jade? It is, isn't it! Fondork's right, she's cute, you should kiss her."


memorymodus May 19 2011, 15:42:19 UTC
After dragging a very reluctant Dave with pink hair to the party, Jade is looking more than awed at the planning and decorations. She's never been to a party before -- the closest she got was her own birthday party, with Grandpa and Bec. But other than that, she's never seen so much good food before. Or cake, really.

Walking over to Dave, Jade grins, feeling more than a little underdressed. She was wearing whatever she had managed to find in thift stores -- which really, wasn't that elegant at all. Just a white sundress and a ridiculous striped vest, along with the bright red leggings from her Dead Shuffle outfit. To top it all off, she wore her floppy green hat, which sat back on her head so that she could actually see her surroundings.

"Um...hi! I didn't know there was a dress code. But happy...being normal, I guess?"


featheryasshole May 19 2011, 15:46:26 UTC
Dave smiles back at her. Sure, his head feels like John took one of his hammers to it, and there's still a little awkwardness left over from the robosex clusterfuck, but he's intent on showing a happy and normal face at this party.

"Don't worry, you look great. And thanks."


memorymodus May 19 2011, 15:51:27 UTC
Jade is still pretty embarrassed from the botboinking escapades -- sure, it was a logical conclusion to come to, knowing the Striders' tendencies toward stretching the truth and playing tricks. But it didn't stop her from feeling any less ridiculous about everything. She looks down at her mishmash of clothing awkwardly.

"Oh, thanks! I just kind of picked out a bunch of old stuff I found...I didn't know what I was supposed to wear!"


featheryasshole May 19 2011, 16:07:28 UTC
"Seriously, Jade, it's fine. It's just a party. I want everybody to have fun, so don't worry about little things like clothes."

He nods towards the snack table. "Come on, have you seen the troll cupcakes yet?"


memorymodus May 19 2011, 16:16:18 UTC
"Okay, if you're sure!" She looks up again, deliberating on whether or not she can get away with holding his hand. Sure, things have been super awkward: first the body odor thing (which was her fault) and then the robot thing (also her fautl). But she's glad that Dave doesn't seem mad at her.

"No, I haven't! Will you show me? Are they delicious?" Oh, fine. She decides that hesitating is ridiculous, and takes his hand anyway.


featheryasshole May 19 2011, 16:23:07 UTC
"Of course I'm sure." He really is. He just wants to move past the awkwardness and get along with Jade again without all this ridiculousness. Hopefully this party will help with that.

"I haven't tasted them yet, but I'm pretty certain they are." He accepts her hand with a smile and leads her to the snacks.


memorymodus May 19 2011, 16:35:32 UTC
"What trolls do they have, anyway? Shouldn't they be Dave cupcakes? Oh, I guess that would be rude, though." Still chattering, she follows him to the table, eyes wide at the sight of all the food.

"Where did you get it all?"


featheryasshole May 19 2011, 16:41:43 UTC
"All the trolls on the station. I don't really know the reason for them, though, you'd have to ask Marj about that."

He grins a little at her reaction and offers her a cupcake with Gamzee's face. "Marj. She's a baker or something, so she made the cake and stuff herself. The rest came from the stores."


memorymodus May 19 2011, 16:46:29 UTC
She takes the cupcake and looks at it, making a ridiculous face before biting into the top. They taste a little strange, but Jade assumes that might just be the gray.

"That's so cool! I wish I could cook."


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